Chapter 34: Prisoners

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Author's Warning: (This very long chapter contains violent scenes and may be graphic if read & mentally visualized. Parental consent or supervision is advised if under age 18. Read at your own risk.)


Chapter 34: Prisoners

"Are you with me?" Captain Cassian asks the same, memorable question that he & Jyn shared during the first few days of knowing each other. The he flips on a switch on the ceiling to get the U-Wing's engines initiated. Jyn rubs her thumb on her A180 blaster pistol before holstering it and looking up at Cassian.

"All the way." Jyn says back as she places a gentle hand on Cassian's arm. Cassian adjusts the microphone near his ear and speaks to K-2SO.

"K-2, listen. It's better if we put you on a separate ship. You will be with the squad at point Alpha. Jyn and I will take a separate ship and be with the unit at point Beta. I hope you don't mind it." Cassian informs.

K-2SO's voice replies in the comms. "Yes, Captain. I'll see you down there."

Cassian nods as he has their transport pod ascend several feet off the floor, and he takes off out of the transport shuttle's hangar. The small transport pod is now in space, following all of the other Rebel transport pods from behind as the very last one in the formation. It is only Jyn and Cassian in the transport pod, and Jyn's mind replayed certain memories of a very important part of her past the moment she looks over at Cassian at the flight controls. They were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, since the pilot seats were side-by-side at the cockpit window. She eyes him from head to toe: Cassian's hands control the flight wheel, his eyes focus directly forward, and his smooth, tall appearance in the chair soothed her.

For some reason, she loved the idea of being with Cassian, alone in a ship in space.

One of the Rebels in the formation spoke through the comms. "We should be there about fifteen minutes, tops. Once we land in the area of operation, divide into your assigned posts."

Acknowledging the Rebel's instructions, Jyn sighs a big breath of relief as she leans her head against Cassian's shoulder & closes her eyes, which catches Cassian's attention as he stares down at the resting Jyn on his shoulder. He smiled at the sight of it, and he strokes her dark brown hair gently. "You alright?" He asks.

Jyn sighs. "Every battle we get in to...always makes me wonder if it'd be the last we fight the Empire."

Cassian feels exactly what Jyn feels. He wanted this conflict with the Galactic Empire to end already as much as she did, as much as everyone in the galaxy did. "It'll be all over soon, Jyn. Just be....patient." He comforts Jyn, though he knew Jyn wasn't a very patient woman. He's seen her temper rise whenever she waited too long for something. Cassian knows what happens when Jyn gets a bad temper: all hell breaks loose. Of course, it made sense because it fit her personality well: a reckless, aggressive, undisciplined woman. Just like her mother, Lyra.


It was all quiet for the seemingly long fifteen-minute flight when suddenly, the lights inside the transport pod began to flicker. This stirs much confusion in the two Rebels as they swiftly look all around them. Much to Cassian's surprise, the flight control wheel wouldn't respond to his steering. It was as though the ship was being controlled from the outside, by something invisible and strong beyond their power.

"W-What's happening!?" Cassian asks in a puzzled state, jerking the flight wheel left & right repeatedly in an attempt to maneuver the transport pod, but it was no use.

Jyn looks out the windows. She sees nothing outside. "I-I don't know, Cassian!"

However, after a couple of minutes of mere chaos inside their transport pod, they begin to notice that their transport pod is slowly and gradually drifting away from the Rebel formation. The pod seemed to be drifting towards somewhere off to the left, like as if a huge magnet was attracting their pod towards it. Realizing that might be the case, Jyn deducts that they had absolutely no control over their transport pod.

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