Chapter 31: The Assault Horizon

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Chapter 31: The Assault Horizon

The alarms were blaring loudly. The P.A.'s voice rang out through the entirety of the Rebel's Echo Base with a warning message. Rebels scattered throughout the base, grabbing their weapons and gear. Pilots suited up and hopped into their T-47 airspeeders. All Rebels in Echo Base were preparing.

Jyn & Cassian check their blaster pistols as Mon Mothma speaks to them in the command room. "The Empire has found us again, and they are already attacking! They have walkers! We need all aircraft up in the skies now!" She says to them, and they nod as the begin to make their way quickly to the main hangar. "We cannot let them destroy those generators!" She yells out behind them.

"They keep finding us." Jyn mutters as she follows Cassian into the aircraft hangar, where all pilots were taking off with their T-47 airspeeders. The Empire invading their territory again reminded Jyn of the days when she was being tracked by Imperial forces as a teenager when she forged Imperial documents & codes during her travels throughout the galaxy. But nevertheless, she needed to take the fight back to the Imperials.

The two Rogue One members reach a 2-seater T-65B X-Wing: this particular X-Wing was custom-built, with an extra seat right behind the pilot's seat for a navigator to sit. Cassian wanted Jyn as his navigator when he takes to the skies. As Cassian climbs aboard with the ladder, he reaches out a hand to Jyn to help her climb into the cockpit, into the seat behind him. The two Rebels quickly buckle in and close the cockpit window. Turning the key in the ignition switch in front of him, Cassian starts up the X-Wing, with its wings in cruise mode.

Cassian waves at the signal man waving red-lighted rods, signaling for Cassian to take off immediately. "GO! GO! GO!" The signaler yells.

Without hesitation, Cassian lifts the X-Wing into the air, and in a smooth motion, the air fighter exits the hanger in a blast with its four thrust vector and zooms towards the bright aqua-blue sky.

"The Assault Horizon"

0745 hours

Rogue One

Cpt. Cassian Jeron Andor

Outpost Beta, Hoth

Jyn looks down below her. She sees the battle already escalating: Rebel troops were crouched in the small trenches, utilizing the safety of cover as they fire back at the incoming Imperial Snowtroopers coming in from the snow hills in the north. Then, Jyn notices there is no astromech droid in the astromech chamber behind her,at the rear of the X-Wing. "Cassian? Don't you need an astromech? Maybe R2-D2?" Jyn says as she looks at Cassian through the mirror mounted above him.

Cassian rolls the X-Wing and turns it to head towards the battle grounds. "Don't need one. I have you." He says as he looks in the mirror and gives Jyn a playful smile. Jyn smiles back at him.

Blaster fly past everywhere. Bolts hit the snow hills. Stationary turrets unleash their firepower towards the incoming AT-STs. Rocket launchers lased rockets at the Imperial AT-AT walkers, which did only slight damage. The Battle of Hoth was underway.

Cassian shot down a TIE fighter as it was trying to shoot its blaster cannons at a fellow Rebel pilot.

"Thanks for saving my butt, Captain!" He says.

Cassian scoffs. "And you'd better save mine next!"

The Captain then sees an AT-AT walker ahead shooting at a trench containing a bunch of Rebel troops. A few of the troops got blown away, with their bodies sent flying high into the air before landing on the snow. Determined to save these Rebels and take down the walker, Cassian lowers his X-Wing near the surface of the ground. The onboard automated system detects his low altitude and warns Cassian with a voice. "WARNING. PULL UP." The computerized female voice announces. However, Cassian decides to ignore it.

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