Chapter 6: The Beauty Under the Dirt

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Author's Note: (I really teared up and got emotional when writing the last few paragraphs of this chapter. This is how precious RebelCaptain OTP is to me, and is my all-time ship. I would appreciate it if you at least leave reviews or feedback, and tell me how you like it. I put a lot of heart into this chapter. Thank you. Enjoy.)

Chapter 6: The Beauty Under the Dirt

It felt like an eternity before Cassian opened his eyes slowly. His eyelids felt heavy, but he resisted the urge to fall back asleep because it was now sunny outside and the bedroom filled with bright light through the window curtains. Cassian sits up and rubs his eyes to clear up his vision. The first thing he notices is that he was half-naked: he had no shirt on, but he only had his night slacks on. Then he remembers. "Last night...." Cassian finally recalls to himself in his head.

He heard shifting next to him. Cassian turns to see Jyn finally awake and eyeing him in the eyes. She didn't look tired. She looked ready: ready to start another day with her Captain.

Cassian reaches over to place his hand on top of her hand. She interlocks her fingers with his, and she gently squeezes his hand to express her affection. Jyn and Cassian both give each other a long stare; there is a long moment of silence between them. They admire each other.

"Hello, love." Cassian finally breaks the silence. He smiles and brushes aside some hair off Jyn's forehead.

Jyn doesn't smile. She just stares with her forest green eyes. But, really, she was smiling in the inside. She wasn't really a morning person. "Cassian...." It was all she could mutter out. Cassian then reaches over to place a gentle kiss on Jyn's cheek, making her smile. She did indeed remember what they did last night, and she felt no shame in it. She now wanted to spend the rest of her second chance with Cassian to the fullest. She became motivated the moment Cassian declared his true deep love for her.

Cassian crawled closer to Jyn on the bed, and he lay his head on her shoulder.

An hour and a half later

The two Rebels were sitting down at the table, face-to-face. They were having their breakfast, and it was going smoothly, somewhat. Jyn and Cassian were both exchanging different kinds of smiles and funny faces with each other as they ate.

Though, they were getting nervous due to the looming silence in the Erso house and the constant staring at each other, they nevertheless wanted to get used to being comfortable with each other.

A few minutes passed, and Jyn ordered her SE-2 droid to pick up their dishes off the table. Cassian straightened up in his chair and watched Jyn get up off her chair and walk towards him. He looks up at her and smiles, admiring the dark green shirt she was wearing.

"I need to go check the moisture vaporators outside. Then we'll meet at the field for harvest. One hour." Jyn informs Cassian.

While still sitting on his chair, Cassian shifts his eyes to the floor for a moment. Jyn waits for a response. Then Cassian nods and looks up at her. "Yeah..."

Jyn turns around and is about to walk away when she suddenly feels Cassian grab ahold of her wrist instantly, like the speed of lightning. For a split second it feels uncomfortable because Cassian grips it tightly. Jyn stands there, a little hesitant about the awkward sudden moment. Her wrist was hurting slightly.

"Jyn..." Cassian says in a soft voice. Jyn turns to him with curious eyes.

They look into each other's eyes for a very long moment. Cassian keeps his grasp on his Sergeant's wrist. He keeps her waiting, wondering what he wants to say or what his next move will be. Then in an instant, Cassian pulls down Jyn so that she is sitting right on his laps, coming face-to-face with him. For a second, she is confused, but she then realizes what Cassian wants to do. She felt half scared and half excited. Her breaths became more rapid, her heart rate increased, and her hormone levels shot up to the extreme. She knew he wanted her right now.

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