Chapter 27: A Sinister Retaliation

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Chapter 27: A Sinister Retaliation

The world wasn't there. It was just an abyss: a dark, empty abyss. It was a place where nothing but thoughts existed. Memories came into view, one by one: the most precious of memories. This was the dream world, where only the consciousness can stretch into the infinity of time, the limitless places greater than the universe itself.

The memories of the little brunette toddler with her mother carrying her throughout the giant city of Coruscant scattered like pieces of broken glass.

The memory of her father telling her "Everything I do is to protect you, Stardust," showed as his voice rang out into the open dark abyss of infinity.

The memories of the horrible acts and cruel violence enacted upon civilians with the group of rebels the young teenage girl participated with revealed itself in thin air.

The great memories of the young man who opened her heart, and fulfilled the space in her heart called the void, for the very first time in her times of hardship & loneliness, breaks into shards of glass like a broken heart, because his tragic unexpected death broke the young girl down forever.

The absurd memories of the young woman's jail time served replayed all around.

But then, white light engulfed the entirety of the abyss: the consciousness that it existed in.

5 familiar people appear, standing next to each other in a group. They stare directly at her. They had the happiest of all smiles on their faces. Right behind them in the background was the U-Wing that had the words 'Rogue One' written all over it. The young brunette woman felt like she could simply reach out and hug them.

But, suddenly, the abyss turns dark again. The 5 friends of the young woman disappeared like smoke dissipating into thin air.

And then a familiar face appears. A face that fueled the hate resting in the woman's heart. It was the face of a man: the man in white. White uniform, white cape, black pants, gray hair, blue eyes. He laughed a sinister laugh like as if he was taunting her. His blue-gray eyes staring at her felt like stinging insects. His presence pained her already.

The man in white fades away.

Nothing but the dark abyss....

Out of nowhere, a woman's voice spoke in a soft, gentle tone.

"Trust the Force, Jyn..." The woman's voice rang out before it faded out.

Then, a very eerie breathing sound is heard, as though someone was breathing through a mask with a voice filter. It made the voice sound sinister, evil-like. The cold, dark tone of the voice was already enough to define the entity as truly evil with a dark heart.



"Begin your path to the dark side of the Force..." The voice echoes.


Jyn's eyes immediately fly open, with both eyes becoming wide instantly. Her breaths become very rapid, her heart races with every millisecond that ticks by, and sweat drips down Jyn's face. Jyn lays there in bed, staring up at the ceiling in a panic, for she just experienced a dream. A bad dream, rather. Jyn notices that her vision is blurry, though she struggles to clear her sight.

'Did I....have a nightmare, just like Cassian's?' Jyn thought to herself as she propped herself up with her elbow.

However, Jyn realizes that she woke up not only due to the nightmare that she just experienced, but due to the sounds of the emergency alert alarms blaring throughout the entire Rebel base and in every quarters each Rebel lived in. Jyn instantly stands up from her bed to listen to the P.A.

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