Chapter 22: Target Practice

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Chapter 22: Target Practice

"Come on...anytime now, little bugger." Jyn mutters under her breath as she paces back and forth in her quarters. Jyn had waited for a whole hour for R2-D2 to arrive, because it told her that it had a little surprise for her, much to Jyn's surprise. She was getting impatient the more she waited, and she was about to head to the lower levels to do things other than wait around for the astromech droid. But, luckily, she sighs in relief of impatience & boredom just as her door's bell rang.

"About time you showed up, mate." Jyn says as she approaches the door and pushes the button that slides it open.

She is surprised to see R2-D2, C-3PO, and K-2SO standing right in front of her, right at her door. She shifts her eyes between the three friendly droids, who were staring at her with their "eyes."

"Well, looks like I'm the popular one today, suddenly. Funny..." Jyn says in cold sarcasm as she steps aside so the three droids entered her quarters, though she leaves the door open.

"I'm sorry, Sergeant, but apparently K-2SO here has caused us a big delay of time due to the commotion he caused with some maintenance crews." C-3PO explains the situation as best as he can; however, K-2SO suddenly looks at C-3PO and shakes his head, denying it.

"Oh, please! It wasn't my fault they got clumsy with the crates! You just had to scare me out of nowhere from behind, and therefore making them drop those crates! I'm not the one to blame!" K-2SO exclaims, raising a hand. "Don't make me slap you, tin man!"

C-3PO shifts his gold, metal body in a way that indicates he is reacting to the security droid's remark. "Uh? Who are you calling tin man!? How rude!" C-3PO then turns to Jyn. "Sergeant Erso, your droid is being feisty and naughty!"

Jyn sighs as she rubs the side of her head, and then she turns around to move to the side of her bed. "Droids..." She mutters out loud, ignoring the verbal fight between the two human-like droids.

R2-D2 beeps to break the commotion.

"Ah, yes! Sergeant, R2 says that he has something for you. He brought you this." C-3PO says as he points to an object wrapped in white cloth, which was being dragged by a winch originating from a compartment on R2-D2's back.

Curious, Jyn approaches the object, tilting her head as she did. She wondered what it was that R2-D2 so suddenly wanted to give to her today. After bending down and reaching for it, Jyn slowly unwraps the cloth, round after round, until there was no cloth hiding the object no more. What she saw astonished her.

"What is this?" Jyn asks loudly while keeping her eyes glued to the big metal object she held in her hands.

"Supposedly, R2-D2 says it's a configuration mod for a certain type of blaster. It fits right to the end of its barrel, and turns it into a fully automatic-firing assault rifle. Very convenient gadget, it is. R2-D2 found it in the armory this morning while searching for some supplies for your base unit. Apparently, he says it is the last one of several attachments produced for the Rebellion. We believe it could be a very useful asset for your personal arsenal, Sergeant Erso." C-3PO explains as Jyn nods and accepts the unique gift, examining every inch of it.

"It's much like Captain Andor's blaster configurations." K-2SO mentions while he watches Jyn.

Jyn remembers their time in Eadu, where Chirrut Imwe warned her about Cassian's secret attempt to assassinate her father, Galen, with a sniper configuration of his blaster, as mentioned by K-2SO in that U-Wing. Jyn observes every inch of the mod: it is basically an entire assault blaster modeled after a standard A280C assault rifle, with a hollow region in its receiver for a blaster pistol to slide right in to.

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