Chapter 7: Going Back

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Chapter 7: Going Back

Cassian wakes up in bed and rubs his eyes to clear up his vision. His eyes widen when Jyn is nowhere to be found. The spot next to him is vacant, for the blanket was shifted, indicating that Jyn left bed earlier. "J-Jyn!? Where are you?" Cassian asks himself in his mind. Half worried, Cassian struggles to put some quick clothes on from Galen's closet and starts to walk all around the Erso house looking for his Sergeant.

"Jyn!" Cassian calls out. No answer. "Jyn!" He calls again. Still, silence looms the atmosphere of the small Erso home. Cassian goes to check the kitchen, but no luck.

However, Cassian notices a bright glow from the corner of his eye. It is so eye-catching that he knows exactly what it is. Cassian turns to the kitchen table to see that Jyn had left her kyber crystal necklace there. It glows bright.

"I wonder where she went..." Cassian wonders out loud. He tries to think of where his lover could've gone to on this lush, sparse planet that barely had any habitants. "She couldn't have gone far."

But after a few moments of thinking, Cassian has a slight clue of where she might be. He doesn't really know where exactly she is, but he felt the Force through him, and it gave him a slight clue of where Jyn is. Cassian heads to the basement downstairs and switches on the ceiling light to find that Galen's 2-seater speeder is still parked in there. "I'm coming, Jyn." Cassian mutters to himself as he grabs the keys to the speeder and hops in to start the engine.

Cassian drives by the crop fields, scanning all over for Jyn, but she isn't anywhere to be found. Though, SE-2 was at one of the water vaporators collecting some water, which was good. "Hmm...." Cassian thought. Then, an idea came up in his mind. "The beach!" Cassian blurts out as he turns the speeder around to head towards the beach that they were at the previous day.

Once Cassian arrives at the roaring waves of the sky-blue tides, he hops off the speeder and surveys the entire golden shoreline for the short, brunette twenty one year-old woman that he desperately loved so much. Still, she is nowhere to be found. He only ends up finding the footprints left from their visit yesterday. Cassian sighs and rubs his forehead from worry and frustration. "Jyn...where are you? I need you right now." Cassian mutters in a desperate tone.

But something tells Cassian to look somewhere down west of the Erso home. He can feel it in his heart. He looks up from the ground and into the ocean. "Guide me." Cassian mutters out loud to the Force, before running back to the speeder and taking off in a flash.

As the Intelligence Officer drove west down some green fields, he decides to turn on the radio. He just let it run until there is one topic that greatly caught his attention. So, he listens carefully.

"The Empire's so-called Death Star is still lurking through space and poses as an extremely major threat to every planet and every person in the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance has yet to take action or resolve the issue at hand. Will the Rebellion save us? Or will it fail and watch the whole galaxy blow to pieces? Lives are at stake." The news broadcaster announces on the radio.

Hearing that, Cassian's heart sank. He felt dead. He felt helpless. Although he and his team were able to send the Death Star plans a few days ago, nothing has happened as of now. The Death Star is still active, and it will be any minute before it starts destroying other planets, just like it did to Jedha and Scarif. What greatly terrified Cassian the most is that there could be a possibility that the Death Star could destroy Lah'mu any day if it isn't destroyed in time, and this really worried him. The Erso home was Cassian's safe haven too, and he would hate for his second chance with Jyn to be taken away in the blink of an eye.

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