Chapter 15: A Clear Message

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Chapter 15: A Clear Message

Jyn and Cassian smiles their biggest smiles up to date, because they were so proud of what they helped accomplish: the destruction of the planet destroyer, the Death Star. They stood up on the stage with the other three members of the team that took the battle to space: Luke, Han, and Chewbacca. They held their heads high, with joy visible on their lips & cheeks as they watch the Rebellion happily applauded them for their heroic efforts the other day.

Princess Leia was among the people on stage, and she gave Jyn and Cassian the highest honor, for she placed them higher on the stage than Luke, Han, and Chewbacca. She couldn't be prouder. She smiles joyfully at the crowd as they continue clapping.

Jyn tried her best to resist the urge to fiddle with the gold medal around her neck. She hasn't felt this excited and this happy in ages, given her past. Cassian quickly turns his head to smile down at her and wink, to which Jyn reciprocates with a small, soft curve of the corners of her lips. However, she knew this moment of achievement was temporary, because she knew this war with the Galactic Empire was still ongoing, and this destruction of the Death Star was just the tip of the iceberg. Jyn knew she couldn't smile for long. There was still much ahead of them.


"A dream, you say?" The voice of Lyra Erso's Force spirit lingers the air. Galen and Lyra's spirits stand in Jyn's room, where they take conversation with their daughter, their only child.

" was more of a nightmare. A very bad nightmare, by the way he woke up." Jyn explains with her arms crossed, for she paces around her quarters with concern filling her head about Cassian's bad dream the other night. Galen and Lyra takes a long moment to think rigorously about the thought, but there wasn't a good clue about it.

"And Captain Andor says he saw Orson Krennic too?" Galen asks. In response, Jyn nods, and Galen looks at Lyra with concern. "Did Orson say anything in the dream?"

Jyn stops her pacing so she faces her parents. "Krennic said that he...." She pauses to observe the facial expressions on her parents' faces. "....wanted us to join the Empire, or he would kill us."

Galen and Lyra sigh at each other with a sense of concern as well, despite it being a dream. They could sense the fear in their daughter's consciousness, and, as the Erso family tradition goes, if their child is in fear, then they are in fear as well.

"Look, Jyn, I know this is all too much for you right now. But it was just a dream. Orson was killed in that blast." Galen says.

"We cannot see nor predict the future, dear. The present is what matters most." Lyra adds to her husband's sentence.

"What if it is true, father? I don't want anything to happen to Cassian, or me." Jyn asks desperately, clasping her hands together as she takes many steps closer to her parents' spirits.

"Just take precautions. Somehow...I sense it too. I can feel something is a bit out of place. Just be careful, my Stardust." Galen warns her before wrapping an arm around Lyra, and Jyn nods in confirmation. Then, she watches her parents' spirits fade away.

There are so many questions in the former criminal's mind, but she is interrupted in her thoughts when the electronic panel to her door beeps, and the door slides open. Her Captain strides into the room in a casual manner, and he looks as lively as ever. Jyn forms a small smile as she takes his hand and kisses it. "It feels great to be honored by the crowd, isn't it? Cassian says, fiddling with the gold medal around his neck. It would make a great addition to the walls of his office, for sure.

"Yeah...I guess." Jyn mumbles while pressing her face into Cassian's shoulders.

Cassian notices and frowns. "Jyn? What is it?"

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