I haven't gotten much sleep for about a week now; today I just found out that That Clown found some of my families old hunting gear! He is also going to sell it at a warehouse; in down town Gotham. It'll be a bit scary I'd wager; given that it's a black-market trade and many villains will be there. But I have enough money; I hope... I am going to reclaim my equipment.

January 12; 2010 – 7:00 AM

Oh yeah; I also found out that there is this girl named Kate; apparently; she is a were creature of some kind... But Harriette said that she didn't know for sure. Her mother is Selina Kyle?! What the bloody hell?! Well; this doesn't change anything. Harriette says she was the nurse that took her photo; and another nurse told her that Kate came out angry; werewolves are born angry... But she also wasn't breathing for a few seconds...

January 12; 2010 – 04:00 PM

I got it! I got the Equipment! Now I have a better chance at hunting those monsters down. And also; to get Katelyn; I finally got her name right! Batman was there too; but I got away just in time before he could get me. I had some help; from other werewolf hunters. I never really knew there were some in Gotham; it's the city with the lowest number of werewolves. But hey if the Howards were here...

I've stuffed all of the equipment in a big storage room in my basement; my granddad had so many rooms down there... Not too long now before I finally get Katelyn and Kate! Boy that's confusing; they practically have the same name.

January 28; 2010 – 07:05 AM

I found out where Kate and Katelyn are going to school; they are both going to Gotham Junior. And luckily; they are looking for a new teacher. I'm glad I studied education; otherwise I would've never gotten this job! I'm leaving now; teachers have to get to school early.

Oh hell... He knows more than I thought. Then I heard him walking; I snuck away hoping he wouldn't see me. I saw him look up; then shrug and continue with making the magic bullet. I waited for the right moment to slip by and get back to the cave safely. "I know you're here Batman. I know because my journal pages were inside my journal." John said; I froze.

Damn it... I was so concerned about Katie; I forgot to put them back in the book. I need to get back to the cave now... I thought; but then I heard a boy's voice. "Dad; what are you doing down here?!" The boy asked; he had a British accent. "Russell? Go back upstairs!" John said to the boy; I then heard heavy footsteps.

"Russell! I..." John says; pausing for a moment; then he goes up the stairs. I quickly but quietly try to find a way out. I eventually found a cellar door; but it was locked. I made sure John wasn't coming back yet; and then picked the lock and got out just in time; I locked the door behind me and ran to the bat bike. I drove home to the cave; I called the cave as well. "Hello!!" I hear Katie's voice and then see her face on the screen. I sigh; "Kate can you tell Dick that I have John's journal please?" I asked her; "Sure." She replied.

Katie's Perspective

"Hey; Richard! Daddy says he got the journal." I said to him. "Ok." He replied; "What else did you find?" Richard asked daddy; "John is making magic bullets; and is definitely following Kate. And he has hunting equipment stashed in his basement."; "I've got to go somewhere soon." Richard added; "I'm coming back now." Daddy said then hung up. I got a text message from Linda; she said 'hi! How are yoouu???!!' I giggled a bit.

"What's so funny?" Richard asked me; "Linda texted me." I replied; "Cool!" He said. I sent a text back to her; 'Good; how are you?' Then we talked for a bit; 'Hey want to go to the park??' I asked her. 'Sure; who else is going?' She replied; 'I might ask Tim; Ginnie and Russell.' I said to Linda; 'Ok cool; I'll come over soon!' She said. I then went to find Tim; I looked and looked but I couldn't find him anywhere. I went back to the cave to ask Richard where he was. "Heeey; do you know where Tim is?" I asked him curiously; he was talking to daddy about stuff.

"He's at his house. Why do you ask?" Daddy said; "Because I'm going with Linda to the park; and I want to ask Tim; Ginnie and Russell if they would like to come too!" I said; daddy stared at me for a minute; "Oh yeah; can we??" I said. Daddy sighed; "Sure; just be careful ok?" He replied. I skipped out of the cave and waited for Linda. I sat on the lounge; waiting for her; but then decided to go outside and wait. As I walk down the path I see Linda skipping to my house. "Hi! Ready to go?" I asked Linda; "Whoa; hi; yeah sure. Where's Tim?" She said. "He's at his house." I replied;

Linda walked up with me to the door; I pressed the button; the doorbell rang. I could hear Tim coming to the door; "Coming!" I clearly heard him say. After a minute; the front door opened; "Hi guys! What do you need?" He asked; "Hi! Do you want to come to the park with us? We are going to ask Ginnie and Russell if they want to come too." I told him. "Yeah sure! I'll just finish what I'm doing and I'll be right out." Tim replied; he closed the door and Linda and I waited outside the gate. Minutes later; Tim came out and the three of us went to get the other guys. Ginnie was allowed to come with us; she just had to be back before three.

Then we went to pick up Russell. We started walking towards my house; but then we see Russell walking towards the park anyway. "Hey; Russell! Over here!" Tim shouted; Russell looked over to us with a happy surprised look on his face. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" He asked; "We came to hang out at the park. Want to join?" Tim asked Russell; he nodded "Sure!" He smiled. We walked around the park and talked; I didn't really say much but Russell and Linda were talking a lot; and Tim was talking to me.

While we were playing; I saw some kids walking up to us. "Hey! Four eyes!" One of them laughs at Ginnie; "Yeah why do you wear those glasses? You blind?!" Another laughs; I see a tear running down Ginnie's face. I start getting very angry; I felt like I wanted to threaten them. "And you! What the hell is with your eye?!" One of the kids pokes Russell in the eye; I could smell anger flowing off of Linda; and I saw her clenching her fists and teeth.

"Haha! Aaaw isn't that cute?! They're mad for their 'friends'!" One of them laughed. "HEY! Cut it out before I cut off your head!" I said angrily; starting to lose myself. "Oohhh scary!!" One of them mocked. "Hey stop it!" Linda shouted; "How bout you stop before we hurt you?!" They threatened.

I squinted at them; and I heard myself growl. "Did she just? I think she just growled!" One of them said; "What are you; a dog?!" One of them snorted. "I don't have time for this; let's get em'!!" One of them said starting to march up to me; and one of them swung their fist at my face. But I avoided it and then returned a punch; it was a really fast one too; I didn't expect the kid to fall to the ground. "What the hell?!" One of the kids said surprised; another kid came at me and tried to punch me but I did the same thing. Two kids went after Linda; but she did a cool karate kick and knocked one of them down; and then punched the other kid in the face.

There were two kids left; but they looked at each other; then ran away. "Are you alright?!" Tim asked me surprised; "Yeah why?" I said; a little bit of anger still there; Tim came over and gave me a hug. "Are you ok Ginnie?" I asked her; she just stared at me shocked. "Ye-yeah." Ginnie stuttered; Linda ran over to Russell; "Are you ok?!" She asked him; "Don't listen to them." Linda comforted him; hugging him. "That was coolio what you did; Katie!!" Linda said to me; "It was; where did you learn that?!" Tim added. "I don't know; I just did it." I said; they just looked at me confused.

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