It hurts

771 69 14

Twinkle: it's all because of you that my wedding got spoiled

Neil: you have destroyed your self don't blame it on gauri

Now Gauri will stay with omkara at all costs and no one can stop it

Om: and who are you to say that

I'm going to divorce her soon 

Then she will be on streets where she belongs

Where she will sell her self to satisfy her needs

Om pov

My every word was just nailing my heart

I was bleeding inside, but I had to do this

Neil: you b******

Gauri: Neil leave him

I said leave him

Neil : but Gauri

Gauri: look into my eyes and repeat those words Omkaraji

Tell me what's wrong with you

Is somebody forcing you to say this?

Tell me  something

Twinkle: see madam stop wasting your time

Give him divorce and leave

Om: she is right Gauri

Leave from here 


Tej: that damm woman

 Why can't she never leave my son

 Jhanvi: you have to understand that tej

Why do you plan so much to destroy omkaras life

Let him have some peace

Tej: peace?

What peace will he have ?

Im trying to fix his life here


Neil: Gauri I won't allow this you cannot stay in that guys hose

Gauri : please neil let me go

My children need me Neil

I don't know what that woman might do to them

Neil:  ok Gauri you can live in that house

But I'm always watching you

If anything happens to you , I'm not going to stay quiet

I will kill him , just remember that


Om: what are you doing here ?

Twinkle: just wandering my new house

Wow this room is good

We can live here togeather

Om: see I don't have any interest in you

You are just wasting your time on me

Twinkle : really ?

Then let me waste

Om : why are you doing this 

Can't you see I'm married?

I have children

Twinkle : relax Om

loving you is hurtWhere stories live. Discover now