Evil plans

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Shivaay: Om thank god your back

Ashi aunty is not listening to us

Please tell her something

How is gauri ? Is she alrite

Rudra: bro ashi is evil 

She is hitting me with stones

Please stop her

Shivaay : Om say something !

Why are you silent 


Ishana: hi shivaay and hi rudra

Nice to meet you guys

Rudra:om bro why is she here 

This is our house

Shivaay: speak to me om

Why is she with you?

Om: she will be living with us from today

Shivaay: are you serious om?

This woman cannot live with us

Please tell her to leave

Om say something 

Om: shivaay don't ask me anything 

Ishana please come with me

Shivaay: Om what are you doing?

Where is gauri?



Ishana: wow Om

Your room is really pretty 

Nice pictures this is your family rite 

This must be gauri singh oberoi

Your wife rite

Om: don't touch my photographs

I don't need your filthy marks on them

Ishana: ishana is hurt omkara

You stayed with the same filthy woman for 13 years don't forget that

Om: stop talking useless things with me

And show me the documents

Ishana: no I'm hurt

I won't give you the documents now

I will only give it to gauri

Om: you are testing my patience ishana

I will kill you  here itself

Ishana: don't be so angry Om

See even our child is getting scared 

Om: shut up ishana

I'm not interested in your fake claims

Just give me those documents

Ishana: not yet Om

You have to wait for some time to get them

Om: what do you need

Ishana: You cannot give me Om

I will take it from you


Gauri: omkaraji where are we going?

Om: to our home gauri

Gauri: but oberoi mansion is that way

loving you is hurtOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz