Broken hearts

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gauri pov

3 weeks have passed away like a breeze 

we have found a way to save our ashi 

it was none other than rathan.

rathan's bone marrow was a match for ashi

now I'm relieved after today's operation

I will have my whole family together.

and I will finally confess my feelings to omkara

yes, after watching omkarajis dedication to this family

I feel that I can trust him completely 


om:buamaji please leave

gauri might come any minute

buamaa:I'm not leaving until I get my rathan

om:buama rathan is needed here

he is the donor for ashi

without rathan ashi will die

buamaa:I wont agree to this omki

my rathan will not undergo this foolishness

I waited for a long time for my rathan

now I will not even wait for 1 second

give him back to me

om:buama please my ashi's life is at stake

buama:what about your promise om?

you promised to give me my rathan

now I'm taking my rathan with me

om:buama wait

om pov

I was about to stop buama from taking rathan

but suddenly I was hit by someone on my head

and  lost my consciousness.


shivaay:om wake up

om:what happened shivaay

shivaay:you were hurt om

someone hit you very hard on your head

om:shivaay did the transplant start

shivaay:not yet om

the  doctor is doing some final check up on ashi

did you see rathan anywhere?

om:rathan! shivaay I must leave now

shivaay:om where are you going

om:shivaay its urgent 

please don tell anything gauri

I will get rathan

shivaay:om your hurt

om listen to me..

where are you going?

om pov

I have to find rathan


gauri:shivaay the doctor is asking for rathan

where is he?

shivaay:he is with om 

he will be coming ! gauri

loving you is hurtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora