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Om: gauri listen to me

What are you doing?

Advaay: gauri no need to pack anything

We will buy everything new

Om: who are you 

Please get out of my house

Advaay: such a small house you have

Sorry I'm very bad with memory what was your name 

Jeerakara no it is haldi Kara

I got it hello mr namkeen Kara

Om: it is omkara and stop irritating me

Get out from my house

Ashi: papa

Om: ashi go back to your room

Get out of here

Advaay: cool man


Why are you shouting on that poor girl 

Come here ashi

I'm advaay

Ashi: advi papa

Om: ashi 

He is not your papa

Advaay: nice

Call me again ashi

Ashi: Advi papa

Om: ashi come with me

Advaay: why are you so rude 

Mr neemkara

Gauri: advaay stop it

Advaay: I was just telling him chutki

Om: why is this guy calling you chutki gauri

Please tell me

Gauri: advaay please take ashi with you 

I need to pack something else

Advaay: ok 

I will be waiting for you outside this house

And please stay away from this neemkara

You will get allergies


Gauri: omi pack your bags 

We are leaving

Om: gauri where are you going

and why is this man calling you chutki

Gauri:I'm leaving omkaraji

You are relieved from all the relationships bound to me

Om: what do you mean gauri

We are married 

We have 3 children for gods sake

What will we tell them think about it gauri

gauri! U misunderstood the situations

please give me one last chance

gauri: last chance?

what last chance

now I cannot do this anymore

live your life Mr.Omkara Sigh Oberoi

om:gauri please listen to me

this is madness

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