The starting of hurt part 1

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Hi readers,

From this chapter, it will reveal the hurt of gauri of what all she has gone through in the past

The torture and omkaras hatred  for gauri in the starting days of their marriage will be revealed  in these chapters 


Om: gauri calm down !

What are you doing ?

That's your wedding dress

Om pov

She threw that dress  in the fire pit and the dress turned into ashes

Gauri: do you remember the vows you have taken omkaraji

Om: gauri..

Gauri: not last months vows omkaraji

I'm talking 10 years back vows

10 years back ! 

When we first got married 

Om: gauri..,

Gauri : remember it omkaraji 

Remember my  love for you   and  remember your hatred for me

***********starting of the past ****************************************

Om pov

I just reached Bariely to meet this kali takur guy

I have to just sign this deal and get back  to Mumbai

As I was searching for directions a very young woman just clashed with me

When she was about to fall , I caught her in my arms

I admired her features 

She was very beautiful, her eyes were mesmerizing me

Her face had a depth of happiness in it

As I was occupied looking at her

Some one was calling her

Richa: gauri!  

What are you doing

Gauri pov

I was in the arms of a man

He was very handsome , the way he caught me in his arms was impressive

But why is he not leaving me

Gauri: excuse me

Om: what?

Gauri : will you please leave me

Om: why?

Gauri: why are you behaving like an ajeeb chirote?

I said leave me

Om: chirote?

Gauri: I mean man

Weird man

Om: I'm not weird

I'm omkara

Gauri: Nice to meet you omkara

My name is gauri kumari sharma 

Om: nice

Richa: gauri let's go

Gauri: bye  omkara

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