Chapter 23

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Naera POV

It has been a week since Hyungsik oppa brought seul unnie to meet us. Hyungsik oppa came and again with Seul unnie but they have something to announce. They wanted to marry and asking for blessing from Dad. He didn't mind since Hyungsik oppa was getting old. He needs to marry anyway.

So, they engaged next week and their wedding will be next month. Early than i thought. Maybe not for them as they have been together for 4 years? By the way, Joohyuk got engaged with Minhwi today so i'm heading to his house. They made a party and he invited me. The party starts at 8pm and end at 11 pm. Teenage party.

"We're here miss" Jimin said.

"Thanks. So, you're my bodyguard, right? Are you supposed to follow me or wait out here?" I was hoping that he would company me.

"I'm supposed to follow you, so let's go" he said. I smiled and quickly stepped out of the car as soon as he did.

"Be my spouse tonight?" I asked and winked.

"Let's go, Miss" he said showing his poker face.

"Don't be too serious Jimin! It's a party, not a meeting" i said and pulled his hand into the house.

The music was loud and humans were dancing everywhere. The room was filled my wild and free teenagers.

I pulled Jimin away from the crowd and tried to find Joohyuk. Fortunately, we did!.

"Hey! Where's Minhwi?" I asked.

"She's with her friend, upstairs" he explains. "Who's this?" He asked.

"My bodyguard but he's my friend" i said. He smirked.

"Nice to meet you, i'm Joohyuk" he introduces himself to Jimin.

"Jimin,Park Jimin" Jimin said his full name.

We were talking and then, a girl came. She laid her arm around Joohyuk's neck.

"Who is this, babe?" She asked Joohyuk with a flirty voice.

"This is Naera. My childhood friend. Remember i told you about her?" He said. I smiled to her and she just observe me up and down.

"Okay and who is that?" She asked about Jimin. I could see that her eyes was completely staring at him.

"That's her friend, Jimin" Joohyuk said again. She smiled to Jimin.

"Hey babe, why don't you get something and I'll company them" she suggested.

"Okay. I'll be right back" Joohyuk left us. With her.

"Well, Naera. Can i borrow your friend for a bit. You go and have some fun" she said and winked at Jimin. He showed no emotion.

"Sorry, i can't. He's a shy person" i lied. This bitch trying to flirt Jimin despite she's already engaged to someone.

"'s okay. I won't bite" she said but more to Jimin.

"But i will. He doesn't like to be force, you know" i said and mocked her voice. Her flirty gaze were gone and she glared at me.

"I'm not trying to steal him or what. You're not his girlfriend" she said.

"Yes but you're someone's fiancee, right? Why don't you stick with yours and i'll stick with mine. Okay, honey?" She left us. I glare at her back and shook my head.

"Thank you" Jimin finally talk.

"You better" i said annoyed. He didn't help me wtf. I glare at him but he just smile or smirked.

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