Chapter 16

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Naera POV

I went out of Jimin's room with Jimin's shirt on. It was big and oversized. It could be night gown dress.

I went to the couch as i saw a sleeping figure. He must have been tired. I stare at his tired face. I should do something for him.

I went to the kitchen to cook something for Jimin. Before i could do anything, i heard that the main door was opened. I went to check to see who was it, it was a guy who entered tiredly to the house. Did Jimin said he rent this apartment with his friends? Jungkook and who was the other guy? I bet it was him.

He notice my presence and became shocked. "Who are you?! How did you got in here?!!" he shouted. I didn't even get the chance to introduce myself, he quickly dash to the living room and woke Jimin up.

"Jimin! There's a stranger in the house! Wake up!" he shouted panicking. The urge of him of waking Jimin up was funny and the groaning Jimin awakes as his sleep was disturbed.

"What is the hell going on with you?!" he shouted in annoyance.

"What?! Me! I was supposed to ask you that! Why are you sleeping here deadly while there's unknown stranger in the kitchen?!" he shouted back.

The both of them kept shouting and arguing about some shits while i was standing watching there battle of wasting spits. I rolled my eyes and clear my throat on purpose to get their attention.

"Excuse me, Can you both not argue, shouting, yelling like crazy people in front of me? And you," i pointed at the guy who just barge in and shouting. "I'm not a stranger. I'm Jimin's client. He's my bodyguard. I wouldn't just barge in to someone's home so sudden. Please, keep that in mind, mister!" i explained. Everything were back to normal. That's what i thought when suddenly, the power went off.

"Shit! Taehyung! Didn't i asked you to pay the bills?!" Jimin shouted in angriness.

"I'm sorry! I forgot. I was on a hot date" he stated. He then smirked at the thought of it.

"Date?! You were suppose to pay the bills! And look, we don't have electricity!" Jimin was so upset.

They started to bickering again. They stopped when my stomach grumbles.

"Sorry for interrupting the fight but, i'm hungry" i said. Jimin sighs and stood up.

"I'm so sorry that you have to see inappropriate scene. I'll buy you something, Taehyung! You better started searching for lights. I don't want to know how get it, all i know is, when i get back, this place is bright. If it's still dark, i'll make sure you regret going on the 'Hot date'. Are we clear?" he commands while staring straight into his eyes.

"Crystal!" Taehyung said in jovial. What Jimin could do now was, sighing in frustration.

"Naera, just get comfortable. I'll be right back" Jimin said to ensure me. I just nodded and relief that the both of them were fine.

Jimin left me and Taehyung alone in the apartment. I look at Taehyung and he was smiling widely.

"Aren't you supposed to search for lights? Candles or torch?" i asked while frowning.

"You know, Jimin Hyung is a scary person. As you have seen it earlier, he would get mad if i couldn't find it but he is a quick person so, to make things faster, can you~"

Ooh~ i knew where this is going. "You want me to help you?" he nodded while still smiling cheekily. "What if i don't?" i looked at him while crossing my arms against my chest.

"If you don't! I'll...." he stops make it sound suspend "I' killed by Jimin" he whine. "Please help this poor little boy" he begged. I scoffed and look at him in disbelief.

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