Turn Left Pt. 2

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"You can't sack me. I'm your personal assistant!" Donna says.

"You don't have to make a scene. Just come downstairs and we can have a little talk."

"Oh, I'll make a scene, all right, right in front of a tribunal. And the first thing I'm going to say is wandering hands!"

"Now, come on, Donna. You know what it's been like for the past few months, ever since that Christmas thing. Half my contracts were on the other side of the river and the Thames is still closed off. Look, I can't deliver. I'm losing a fortune."

"Well, sack one of this lot. Sack Cliff. He just sits there. Don't know what he does all day. Sorry, Cliff. Actually, I'm not sorry. What do you do all day?" boom! the building shakes.

"What the hell? Like an earthquake" a black cloud is gathering in the sky.

"That's weird. Funny sort of clouds."

"Who typed this? I'm your PA. Did you get somebody else to type this? Beatrice?"

"It sounds impossible, but the entire hospital has vanished. The Royal Hope no longer exists. It's not been destroyed, there's no wreckage. It's simply gone. Reports from bystanders say that the rain lifted up around the hospital" Donna is clearing her desk.

"Hole punch. Having that. Stapler, mine. Toy cactus. You can have that, Beatrice. Catch. Cliff, I'd leave you the mouse mat, but I'm worried you'd cut yourself" Donna says.

"All right, Donna, have some respect. There's two thousand people in that hospital, and it's vanished."

"Oh, I'll show you vanishing. Thanks for nothing. Oh, and you know when that money went missing from the kitty? Anne-Marie, that's all I'm saying. Anne-Marie!" boom, rattle "don't tell me, the hospital's back. Well, isn't that wizard."

*Time skip*

"To confirm, the Royal Hope hospital was returned to its original position, but with only one survivor. The only person left alive is medical student Oliver Morgenstern."

"And there were these creatures, like rhinos. Talking rhinos, in, in, in black leather."

"Rhinos?" Donna asks.

"Rhinos could be aliens" Wilf says.

"Shush" Donna says.

"There were hundreds of them. We couldn't breathe. We were running out of air. A colleague of mine gave me the last oxygen tank. Martha. Martha Jones. And she died."

"At least you got a hole punch and a raffle ticket."

"Yeah, well, they can keep the raffle. I won't take a penny off that man" Donna says.

"Honestly, you two. There's aliens on the news. They took that hospital all the way to the moon, and you're banging on about raffle tickets" Wilf says.

"Don't be daft, Gramps. It wasn't the moon. It couldn't be" Donna says.

"Yes, well, I am telling you it is getting worse, these past few years. It's like, all of a sudden, they suddenly know all about us, and there's keen eyes up there and they're watching us, and they're not friendly" Wilf says.

"This stapler says Bea."

"I can't believe how well you're taking it, me getting sacked. Thought you'd hit the roof" Donna says.

"I'm just tired, Donna, what with your father and everything. To be honest, I've given up on you."

"This further report just in from Oliver Morgenstern."

"There was this woman who took control. Said she knew what to do, said she could stop the MRI or something. Sarah Jane, her name was. Sarah Jane Smith."

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