Look Alive, Sunshine

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"Look alive sunshine!" Yelled Mikey as he flung open the curtains, letting bright beams of light shining into Gee's room. The smaller boy let out a kitten like 'meow', burying his head further into the baby pink cover.

"C'on kitty it's time to school" laughed Mikey as he shook the smaller boy, "I'll drag you out by your legs if I need to" Mikey threatened.

Gerard wriggled out with an inaudible mumble and sleepwalked to the bathroom, his bed head sticking out in every distraction known to man. He was back minutes later with a washed face and clean teeth. "That was fast, did the thought of me yanking you out of bed this morning scare you that much?" Mikey joked. Gee flashed a toothy grin in return, showing all his little crooked (yet cute) baby teeth.

Gee walked over to his dresser to pick out an outfit for the day. He didn't want to wear anything that would earn him the same treatment as he had received yesterday. Even if it hadn't been his fault.

"What d'ya wanna wear, pwach?" Mikey asked as he walked over to Gee, ruffling his mop of hair. "Er, h'bout this?" He asked pulling out a pair of black skinnies with a Nike hoodie.

"Gee, I've literally never seen you wear anything but like that Im my life" Mikey raised an eyebrow- "wait is that my hoodie? Its so big- its Petes, give it here, silly" Mikey grinned, reaching for the jacket.
"Nuh-uh" Gerard croaked grumpily, "mine". Non-verbal today, Mikey noted, "C'mon, Gee. At least put it down so you can get dressed. Its a little big to be Petes" Mikey's eyes darted up and down the jumper- examining it. "Hmph"- a little pout came across the younger's lips.  "Dont roll your eyes at me, get ready- why don't you wear your pretty white skirt?"

Mikey knew yesterday's evens where still fresh in Gerard's mind, what the group of teenagers had done had clearly made Gee feel that it was his fault in some way. And that maybe wearing clothes that allowed him to blend in would stop the boys from hurting him.

"Flower, you do know that Bob's gang of, pardon my French, asshats, were mean to you because they're just meanies and not because it was your fault; don't you?" Mikey questioned rhetorically in terms Gee would understand. Gerard let out a little giggle until his face quickly stiffened with a puzzled look.

"So they weren't meanies because I dress stupid?" Gee asked looking up at his brother.

"Your clothes are not stupid! They just needed a pretty boy to take their anger out on because they can't except themselves for who they are so they decide to take it out on the people who can! It's the same for when homophobic people sometimes come out as gay because they've had a hard time excepting themselves" Mikey preached in one breath, practically gasping for air. "Here wear this, Petal" Mikey finally said ad he pulled out a snow-white tennis/pleated skirt with a baby blue sweater, handing them to Gee. Gerard had rewarded him with an adorable smile. Mikes had given his brother the boost he needed.

"Now go get dressed, paint your nails, or whatever your little does  for like 2 hours each morning and go down for breakfast" Mikey said giving his brother a peck of the forehead, "Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I made pancakes" Mikey finished before quickly rushing out the room and closing the door behind him, following Gerard's over enthusiastic squeal "pancakes!"

Hope you had a good day:)

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