Chapter 2

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Hi this is my second attempt at writing on wattpad the first time I had to abandon it., hope you'll give

Me some feedback thanks

Enjoy :)

Chappie 2

Leo sat on the fence outlining the pasture where his prize bull was currently grazing, he was taking a well earned break from what had been one hell of a long day.

Now all Leo wanted was a warm meal a warm shower and a willing woman in a warm bed, well he supposed, three out of four wasn't bad.

Sex had become a serious thing for Leo in recent years, he was not as young and carefree as he used to be.

In the past his family name and the wealth linked to it had attracted easy women who were ready for a no strings fling, they had lived in hope that he couldn't live without them.

But in recent years mindless sex with faceless women appealed less and less. He had even been thinking of settling down, he had even found himself envying his friends. Friends who had a warm willing woman to go home to and share their troubles with.

Just the idea of having the companionship and turning the homestead back into a family home was slowly become an itch Leo couldn't scratch.

Leo looked around the Double T ranch spanning a hundred thousand acres, if you looked in every direction everything as far as the eye could see all belonged to him and his brother Jake.

Not that Jake was interested in the day to day running of the ranch, his brother had chosen a different path into medicine.

Leo was proud of him for putting his brain and education to good use, Leo had known from a young age that his soul was tied to the ranch the same way his Pops had been.

His grandfather, Jacob 'Pops' Travis was a burly hardcore cowboy who had worked and lived on the Double T ranch with his wife Mary Ellen Travis. They had made it into the thriving business it was today.

After being married for a year Mary got pregnant with a boy named Bryan Thomas Travis who decided at the age of sixteen that ranch life was not for him and moved to the popular Victoria in Texas. When in Texas he met and later married Carolyn Barnes.

Leo remembered his parents as two smiling teenager types full of love, they had always shared small glances and smile. When Leo had been nine he was graced with a baby brother, who to Carolyn and Bryan's delight, who Leo had formed a bond that couldn't be broken.

When Leo was twelve and Jake just going three a freak electrical storm, the storm had brought down the plane his parents had been travelling in on to pick him and Jake up from the ranch where they had spent some of the summer vacations.

no survivors had been found and the charred remains of his parents were buried in the family plot in the local Christian church leaving Leo devastated at the loss and Jake unable to understand.

Pops and grams had taken them in no questions asked and successfully raised two boys different in personality but similar in looks . Their death a couple of months apart five years ago had ripped the boys in two as they attended the burial of their last living relatives forging the brotherhood bond even tighter at the realisation it's them for each other.

The sound of tyres flying over dust brought Leo out of his thoughts, his eyes instantly recognising Jakes truck.

One look at his brothers face instantly had Leo's temper on high alert his brother was spoiling for a fight and he was happy to oblige him.

"howdy jake"

Leo looked at his brother his dark hair that was usually cut short stood on end as his hand pushed through it. The dark angry eyes a carbon copy of his own shot fire in his annoyance, and at roughly the same build the telling difference between the two was the grey lining Leo's temple.

And of course the clothing, Leo noted Jakes work appearance a grey shirt neatly tucked in to beige slacks screamed of a professional status.

" don't howdy me Leo, ed just told me what you said to Katie, just for walking into you... Damn it leo was it really necessary"

Jake ran a hand through his hair sometimes he couldn't understand his brother, Leo saved puppies and horses but when it came to people he had little tolerance.

Katie wouldn't have said a bad word about what Leo had said but as her best friend Jake had instantly felt a protective brotherly pull towards the quiet librarian.

"now look here jake, she damn well walked into me, you know shes always looking at her damn feet. I did her a favour dammit before she hurt someone or ended up killing herself"

Leo knew he had been hard on Katie but when he had touched her to steady her he had felt shocks run from the contact and straight to regions below his belt, that had been an unexpected reaction.

The feeling Had set his temper on fire, her blue eyes had captivated him for a split second before shock had settled onto her face, Katie Woodward was a shy daisy to his prickly cactus and that was that.

Maybe a willing woman wasn't a bad idea if quiet Katie Woodward was attracting his attention, unaware of his brothers internal debate jake was carrying on which had Leo tuning back in.

"are you even listening.. I don't know why I bother, just try and be nice Leo I know it's not in your usual nature but goddamn it she's the only friend that doesn't want me or the money Leo do you know how free that makes me feel in her company"

Leo knew how hard it was to find genuine friends especially for Jake who craved companionship friends who didn't see the dollar signs or the family name as a leg up in society. Leo conceded the point she was harmless.

" okay I'll take it easy on her"

Leo couldn't help but add

" but you tell her to watch where the hell she's walking....Now pretty boy you staying to help or getting out of my way?"

Leo already knew the answer before jake confirmed it " nuh huh big brother, and ruin my fancy get up....hell no. your the one who likes to play cowboy I came home for a slice of nonna Kay's pie before my shift".

Nonna Kay the cook come housekeeper was probably as old as the ranch itself, once when Leo had dared asked as a boy how old she was he had got his ear pulled for the cheek of asking the buxom Texas woman.

Her Cooking was heavenly, she sure could cook a mean pie, and curse a blue streak that would have a sailor blushing, but a piece of that pie sounded like a hell of a good idea.

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