Chapter 29: Traitor!

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We're getting close just a little bit more walks, when my dad came.

"Kion?" He looks at Janja then me.
"I can explain." I said.
"No need for explaining!" He said furiously, "Janja leave now or else."
"Yes. Yes your highness." Janja obeys then runs back to the Outlands.

"Dad we were helping him. You said the circle of life involves everything. Now that I'm doing it, why aren't you proud of me!" I raised my voice.

"Silence!" He yelled. "Return home this instant! Now, Kion!"

The rest just looked at me as I walk back.

"The rest of you, go somewhere else. I've got to teach my son a lesson." I heard him say that to my Guard. "Zazu take them home." Zazu nods.

It was night already. Dad sat on the grazing grounds. He was waiting for me.

"Kion!" He said angrily. I followed.
"You deliberately disobeyed me." He continued.
"I know but..." I try to say something but he cuts me off.
"You can never help a hyena." He said.
"But dad he's our friend. Janja the hyena is good now." I said.
"And how do you know you can trust him?" He asks.
"Because I've been friends with them since." I said.
"How dare you do this to us!" Simba yelled. "Those hyenas you helped, followed Scar's lead!" He said.
"So?! Those hyenas I helped doesn't follow Scar's lead. They're different now dad. Trust me." I said.
"I trust you, son. I just don't trust them." He walks away and says, "And Kion, I don't want seeing you with hyenas ever again. Do you understand?" He tells but I didn't say anything.
"Understand?" He repeats.
"Yes, father." I answered.

Caught and dead. By my father. The only thing that can defeat me. My own family. But I will not stop myself from doing what's right.

I plan to escape Pride Rock at night. And gather my Guard.

We're having dinner, my dad still disappointed at me, mom looked worried and Kiara smiled at me. We didn't say a word while we're eating until we're done. Dad followed me until my den to keep me from getting in the Outlands. I faced the wall not at him.

"You can go now dad. I'm okay." I said.
"Alright then. Goodnight Kion." He said.

I'll just wait for 30 minutes and he'll fall into deep sleep.

It's been 25 minutes. I just can wait. So I went out quietly so they won't hear me until Kiara came.

"Kion? Is that you?" Kiara came out and said while yawning.
"Uh, yeah." I replied, whispering.
"What are you doing outside, late at night?" She asks lamely.
"I couldn't sleep so I went out to uh, take a midnight snack." I lied.
"Oh, okay. I'll come with you." She said.
"What? No. You should take a rest now. Now go to your den." I said. "I'll be fine. I'll be back as soon as I can anyway."
"Okay. Goodnight Kion." She said and went towards her den.
"Goodnight." I replied.

Phew! That was close. Good thing she's sleepy. So she won't remember most of what happened. Now let's assemble the Lion Guard.

I went to Ono's place. It's pretty dark here at night.
"Hey Ono. Ono. Pssst..." I called but he's in deep slumber. I almost roared. I shouldn't roar the lions and lionesses are going to hear me. So I just knocked very loud at the trunks of his tree.

"Apana!" He said.
"Sorry Ono. But we need to get a move on. Call the others meet up at the watering hole." I commanded him immediately not wasting any time.
"Okay." He raised a brow and flies.

I didn't want to meet up at the lair because my family might hear me. So the watering hole is far enough from Pride Rock.

So I went at the watering hole and a few minutes later they came. Bunga was riding at the back of Fuli then came Beshte and Ono.

"What's the kububle?" Beshte asks.
"We are going to finish our unfinished task. We're going back to the Outlands and find Jasiri." They all agree.
"No time to waste." I yelled, " 'Till the Pridelands end,"
"Lion Guard defend!" We all said.

Will they able to find Jasiri? Find out at the next Chapter.

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