Chapter 15: It's a Trap!

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The next day Kion woke up early to look for Ono. When he got to Ono's tree, he knocks. "(Snores) Ah! What the what?" Ono looks out his tree and saw Kion. "Kion? Why so early?" Ono asked. "I'll tell you later. For now, gather the rest of the Guard and meet at the lair." "You got it Kion." Ono salutes and flies off.

"Where's Fuli? She's never been late before." Kion asks. "So much for the fastest in the Pridelands." Bunga said. "I didn't see her. I only saw her sister." Ono said. Then Fuli came. She looks down and dropped her ears. The four boys looked at each other, curious.

"Okay last night..." Kion was cut off by Bunga. "Last night you went out by yourself? You can't go out unless you're out with someone." Bunga acted. "Wow Bunga's really good with acting." Beshte whispered to Ono. "Yeah, I was out with Fuli." Kion said. "So what did you guys do late at night?" Bunga smirks. "Nothing really important. Anyways last night I saw Jasiri in the Pridelands. She told me to..." "Go to the Outlands." Fuli interrupts. "Right." Kion looked confused. "How did she know?" Kion asked himself in his mind. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Bunga said and runs off. "Wait. Never mind, I'll just tell you on the way. 'Til the Pridelands end..." Kion shouted. "Lion Guard defend!" The rest of the Guard shouted.

While the Lion Guard running towards the Outlands, they saw something strange. "Hevi Kabisa!" "Un-Bunga-lievable!" "Poa!" "Hapana!" The three boys said. While Fuli kept quiet and thought of something. "This must be Janja's plan, again." Fuli thought. "Okay. Jasiri told me to meet us here. The problem is that somebody is blocking the entrances of the Outlands." Kion explains. "You mean all the entrances of the Outlands. That means Janja will never go to the Pridelands again. Yes!" Bunga said. "Yeah, but the other good hyenas like the clean up crews." "Look there's a small hole there. I bet we can get through except for Beshte. I'll go first. Ono fly ahead." Fuli said. "Affirmative." Ono flies off. "Be careful Fuli." Kion reminds her. "Don't worry, I will."

"See anything Ono?" Fuli said. "Negative. I'll call them now." Ono answers. "No wait. Do you hear that?" "I don't think so." "It's coming from there, c'mon." "Wait. What about the others?" "They can wait."

"What's taking them so long. They should be back by now." Kion paces. "Maybe they're double checking the place." Beshte said. "Something's wrong. C'mon Bunga they might be in trouble." When the two turns around the hole was gone. "Wait, what? Where's the hole? It's the only way to get in the Oulands. No, no, no!" Kion almost shouted "Kion calm down. I'm sure their both fine." Beshte trying to calm Kion. "Why would they close it?" Bunga asks. Then Ono came a bit injured. "(Pants) Kion!" Ono can't fly properly then faints. "Let's bring him to Rafiki first." Kion said.

"(Moans) Where am I?" Ono asked. "Don't worry you're in the lair. Safe and sound." Bunga comforts Ono. "Yes. Just rest for a while. You'll be back on duty in no time." Rafiki said. "Where's Fuli?" Ono asked. "Don't you remember, you're with her in the Outlands." Beshte said. "Oh yeah. We need to go she's in trouble." "While you rest. Tell us everything you know before you came here." Kion said calmly.


"Uh... Fuli? I don't think this is a good idea. This might be an ambush or something." Ono said nervously. "I know. That's why I volunteered to go into the Outlands in the first place." "What?! You mean you planned all this?!" "No that's not what meant. I'm saying that if this is an ambush, I don't want Kion or any of you guys to get hurt." Ono stayed quiet for a moment then hyenas came. "I knew it! Ono get away from here! Warn Kion! Now!" Then a hyena grabs Ono. "Hapana! Ahhh!!!" Ono screams. Fuli slashes the hyena that grabbed Ono in the face. "Pick someone your own size!" Fuli said.

End of Flashback.

Fuli's legs are tied up to a rock.  "So how did you know how to knot a vine?" Fuli smirks. "It was an  accident." Janja said seriously. "Oh really and why'd you trap me?" "I was planning to trap Kion not you." "You still have a chance to be a good hyena. You might be welcomed in the Pride lands someday." "That's never gonna happen." "But if you be good, maybe Kion or Simba will change their minds. Just set me free and I'll teach you." Fuli said slowly.

A hyena bit the vine that made Fuli free. "Nice try but still can't go back to the Pridelands." Janja said. "What are you saying? I was going to teach you how to be good. Wait a minute, you think I would ran off and tell the others, is that it?" Janja nods. "I keep my promises, sometimes." Fuli lowered her voice at the last word. "I heard that!" Janja almost shouted. "Okay, okay you don't have to be grumpy. Speaking of grumpy, that's our first lesson." "Being grumpy?" "No, silly. Being happy." She smiles at Janja. He smiles back awkwardly.

It was in the middle of the day and Fuli hasn't got back to the Pridelands. "Thank you for your lessons that you taught me. And for that I owe you something." Janja said. "Yeah? What is it?" Fuli asked. "I commanded my clan to unblock every entrances to the Outlands." "Really? Thanks." "Just wait for a few minutes." "Okay." "You will return tomorrow, right?" She paused and thinks. "Umm... Okay." Her answer made Janja smile.

Does Janja has a chance to be good? Will Fuli tell the others? Stay tuned.

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