Chapter 20: Let's end this

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Sorry for the long update. Our connection lost.

In the afternoon the Lion Guard went to the Outlands once again to visit Janja.

"Hey hyenas! Where are you?!" Bunga yells and made an echo.
"They're probably in there territory." Beshte said.

Ran as fast as they can but still no sign of the hyenas.

"Where could they be?" Fuli asked.
"Maybe they were captured!" Ono said.
"No. Let's all think positive. Maybe they're just in other territories." Kion said.

They went to Jasiri's territory and there they found all the clan of hyenas.

"There you all are!" Bunga exclaimed.
"Our territory isn't safe anymore. Humans go there more often so we moved." Janja explains.
"We need all your help. You hyenas are more clever than us." Kion said.
"Us smarter than you?! I didn't know that." Chungu said. Ono sighs.
"We'll help you." Jasiri said proudly.
"That's great!" Fuli exclaims.
"Okay here's what we're going to do..." Kion said and everyone huddles.

It's night the Lion Guard and hyenas are ready to fight.

"The hunters are sleeping. Phase one, grab the guns. Okay Bunga you're up. Do it fast." Kion whispers.
"Zuka Zama!" Bunga said.

Bunga returns with all the guns and hid it in the bushes.

"Phase two, grab all their stuff and wreck them." Kion said.

They all grabbed the hunters' clothes, food, bottles and more. Then one man woke up, feeling something strange so he woke up the others.

"Perfect. This is it." Kion said then he roars. Startling all the hunters. The hunters screamed and ran, except for one man.

"Isn't he scared?" Ono asked.
"I don't think so." Kion said.

The last man standing grabbed a knife from his pocket and ready for a fight.

"This guy doesn't know who he's facing." Bunga said.
"We don't need to fight." Fuli said. "Everyone don't be afraid. Remember we out number him."

Kion roars again. But the man didn't back down.

"I need to finish this. Just get the big one and all of this is over." The man is points at Kion.
"He's out of his mind!" Beshte said.
"I think he's obsessed at hunting us." Jasiri said.

The man picked his phone and called for back up.

"Alright. That's it!" Fuli yelled. "Bunga climb that tree and prepare to jump at Beshte. Aim for the phone."
"You got it Fuli!" Bunga climbs the tree. "Zuka Zama!" He said as he jumps on Beshte and grabs the phone.

Beshte smashed the phone with his foot.

"No!" The man yelled. "I'm taking you down!" The man ran towards Kion.

Fuli pinned him down and got slashed at the leg. It was the hyenas turn. They bit him many times. Until Kion pinned him down. Kion throws away the knife and growls at the man.

The man was scared. He was shaking. But Kion gives him a lesson he would never forget. Kion gives him a loud roar.

"This is what you get when you mess with the Lion Guard." Bunga said proudly.

The man then runs away.

The Lion Guard and hyenas cheered because the hunters were gone.

"Thank you Kion." Janja said.
"No problem Janja." Kion answers. "Even if you're an Outlander we'll help you anytime just don't ever go back to your old self again."
"I'll try." Janja said with a smile.
"Well we better go back to our territory." Jasiri said.
"Wait, you mean your clan and Janja's clan are now one clan?" Fuli asks.
"Yes. We are the same, right?" She said.
"I suppose." Fuli said.

When the Lion Guard were walking back to the lair Kion noticed that Fuli is limping. He looked closely, and saw her leg bleeding.

"Fuli your leg." Kion ran towards her.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She said.
"I think you should listen to Kion first Fuli." Beshte said.
"Your safety is also my responsibility." Kion said worriedly.
"Alright." She said. Then Kion carries her until they reached the lair.

They all went inside the lair.

First Kion puts her down then explains.

"Good news Rafiki we defeated those humans and the bad news is this." Kion explains.
"I see. This might take a while." Rafiki said.

After a few minutes, Rafiki is finally done wrapping some leaves at her leg.

"That was fast." Bunga said.
"Doing this is easy for me but hard for Fuli." Rafiki explains. "Do not remove this. You can after a week."
"A week?!" Fuli said. "But I have to help the Guard."
"Don't worry Fuli." Ono said. "You'll be cured by a week before you know it."
"Besides there aren't much trouble in the Pridelands since Janja changed." Beshte added.
"If you say so." She said.
"We'll be in the watering hole if you need us." Kion said.
"Bye guys!" She said then the boys left.

On their way to the watering hole, Kion has a feeling that there's something bad will happen.

"Ono!" He called.
"Yes Kion?" Ono flies down in front of Kion.
"Can you take a quick look at the Pridelands?"
"Sure can."
"Wait." He said. "On your way, check Fuli if she's okay."
"Affirmative." Ono salutes and flies off.

What do you think bad will happen? Find out at Chapter 21.

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