Chapter 15

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Coal Dust had washed up from supper, watching as the leftover juices of apple fritter drip off her wet hooves into the sink below. She soon stopped as she went to the towel and dried off her hooves; She had planned to go outside after supper to explore the farm a bit more. It had already been a month since they had "moved" into their new home, which on the inside Coal was happy they had somewhat settled, but she told herself not to get attached.

She grabbed her doll before peeking out the window, besides the few fruit trees that were scattered about, there was nothing but fields and a single large corn feild. She looked at her doll, the soft pelt of what used to belong to the kind elderly mare. She hugged the doll before heading outside, she glanced at the barn and noticed a familiar sight. Inkie was packing up her saddlebag with Blinkie, Coal sighed deeply holding her doll.

She shook her head as she trotted off to the corn maze, she arrived slightly sweating under the burning sun; gazing at the tall stocks that held the golden ear of corn. She looked at the gaps in between each row, she hesitated before shrugging. She stepped inside the maze gazing at the stocks before walking. The doll, whom been seated on the filly's back, slightly bounced with each movement Coal made. suddenly as she parted the two stocks she stared in awe from what she saw, the was a ridge that if one was not careful, you could roll down and become injured.

Below that however was a small wooden house, smoke rose from the chimmeny casually as there was a wagon full of hay and a cat that lazily relaxed under the porch that cooled the stallion whom slept underneath in a rocking chair. Coal ducked as she noticed the screen door open to reveal an orange filly whom popped out with thud. She took a look around gazing at the feilds ahead, Coal Dust lifted her head a bit more to get a better look at the small pony below.

But was caught sight of the orange filly whom approached at a quick pace. "Howdy there!" the filly called waving her hoof causing Coal to duck. "Hey wait dont be scared!" The orange filly called as sounds of dirt and rocks rolling down the ridge were heard. Coal lifted her head only to be nose to nose  with the strange filly. "Hiya" Coal screamed as she fell back before scuttling behind a stock. "Hey wait! Don't run away!" Coal Dust peeked from the stock slowly "Ah didn't mean to scare ya'"

Now that the filly was semi in the corn feild, she got a better veiw of the filly before her. She had a lightly orange coat, her mane being a light yellow with a single golden streak that ran in between it. Her eyes were a bright blue however and a cutiemark  of some sort of a vegtable on her flank. "My name is Honey Dew, what's yours?" The filly identified as Honey Dew asked. Coal stepped out from the corn stock before replying in a hushed tone "My name is Coal Dust."

"Nice ta meet ya Coal Dust, do you live up there?" pointing to the direction of home before Coal Dust nodded "What about you?" Honey Dew nodded "Eyup, but it can get pretty boring living with my dad, my pa paw, and my ma." Coal's eyes widened but her head turned to the direction when she heard a feminie voice call out for Honey Dew.

Coal Dust roughly pulled in Honey Dew, covering her mouth as she tried to still her breathing. Coal silently put a hoof to her mouth as she watched a bright orange mare come out of the house seconds later. "What are you doing?" Honey Dew whispered "Saving your life!" Coal Dust hissed "Do you know how bad mommies are? They're super evil!" Honey raised an eyebrow "What do ya mean? My mama isnt evil!" Coal Dust shook her head "Yes they are, they lock you in basements, tell you that you are a bad pony, they almost never feed you, and they are all around bad!"

Honey Dew got up "I dont know where you're getting all of this from but my mama isnt bad!" Coal Dust got up as well "I'm trying to save you Honey Dew, you can come live with me and Minkie. She's a super nice pony and if she saved me from my mama then she can save you too!" Honey Dew shook her head "Wha-" until she paused "You didn't have a good mama didn't you?" Coal Dust nodded her head before Honey replied in a calm voice "Not all mamas are bad Coal Dust, you just got unlucky and got the bad ones."

The voice called out again, causing Honey to turn around and reply back before facing Coal again "We should hang out together sometime, and i'm glad to have a pony my age around." She disappeared below, the sound of sliding dirt and gravel as little hooves were heard trotting away. Coal peeked over and saw Honey talk to her mom, hugging her before going inside. Coal watched but couldn't help but feel bitter, "If that is true, then why did i get a bad mama?" before walking away.

Strong as a Stone (a muffins fanfic fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ