Chapter 11

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Coal made her way down the grass covered hill, before stumbling at the side of the ranch. The younger stallion, caught sight of her stumbling; dropped his work tools and rushed to her side. The older Stallion looked in the younger's direction to see what caused him to stop, only to see the filly and soon came rushing to her as well.

"Pa, there's a filly here." The Stallion took off his broad hat and wiped his brow "I can see that, what in celestia is a filly doing here? The next farm house or even a town isn't for miles!" Coal Dust lay still, not wanting to look suspicious although she was tired and wanted nothing more to sleep.

She was soon lifted and taken within the home, to be gently set down onto the couch. An elderly mare peeked from the kitchen "Now what injured animal did you boys bring in-" stopping midaway from her sentence to gasp and put a hoof to her mouth. 

Coal Dust merely peeked from the couch causing small tears to form from the mare's eyes. "Where did you find the poor thing Grove?" He looked at the mare "She was at the side of our house, we don't know where she came from." The mare let out a sigh as small tears rolled from the corners of her eyes.

She lifted Coal's small hoof before stating "The poor thing must be hungry, let's get her tidied up for supper." Coal Dust was lifted from the couch and upstairs by the earth pony mare. Coal didn't really know what to say or react, she didn't know these ponies.. but they seemed nice.

Warm water ran from the spout into the tub, Coal sat next to the mare and flinched a little; it was bath time. Gently, Coal was lifted and gently set into the tub. Coal looked around the tub, and back at the mare. The mare gave a small gentle smile as she took a bar of soap and began to scrub away the filth on Coal.

Coal didn't mind on how nice baths felt, but she disliked the afterwards of how cold she'd feel from exiting the tub. She allowed the strange mare to scrub her clean, despite wanting to know why Minkie sent her down there.

Was this their forever home? were these ponies going to help them? She wanted awnsers but still silently obeyed the order, wait for them to sleep; then give the signal. Secretly she hoped these ponies didn't "bake" like the Bakers. Soon the bath was done and Coal began to embrace the cold air as the water left the tub, she wished she could just stay in the water longer.

The mare soon wrapped Coal in a towel, drying her before brushing her mane and heading down stairs. The aroma of baked potatoes and buttered peas filled Coal's nose as her mouth began to water. "Grove" had finished setting the table, as well as the younger stallion. 

Coal seated herself at the table before food was set, the rest of the members of the family sat before bowing their heads and praying. Coal Dust didn't really understand what they were doing, but she too bowed her head. They soon lifted their heads and began to eat, as soon as Coal's portion was set, she scarfed the meal down.

his left some worrisome looks on the ponie's faces, watching Coal eat. Coal noticed and soon got uncomfortable. Once the meal had been devoured and put away, Coal had been tucked into bed by the older mare. "There, nice and tucked in." Coal made herself cozy, she'd have to wait till they go to bed as Minkie said to give off the signal.

The mare ran a hoof down Coal's mane "It's ok little one, you're safe now." Coal gave a small smile, she looked at the mare's silver hair that had been tied into a tight bun. Coal pretended to fall asleep, allowing herself to get comfortable into the soft sheets.

She heard the soft sigh of the mare as Coal felt the weight shift off the bed, listening as she heard the hoovese stepped away out of the room. Coal thought to herself how nice these ponies were, and that if they were nice then they would surely help Minkie and the rest of the Bakers. That left a very nice thought in her head as she slowly embraced sleep.

Coal awoke with a start to the sound of an owl... but it was not an owl.. but rather Pinkie imitating an owl, Coal hopped out of bed and opened the window, she looked around until she finally saw the rest of the bakers, Coal Dust waved at them. The bakers looked at eachother before Minkie turned back and made hoof signals.

Coal couldn't really understand until she got what Minkie was asking, she slowly opened the door, looking both ways. The lights were off, and she could hear snoring. She crept up to a room, she peered through the cracks to see the younger stallion snoring. Coal Dust moved on to another room and peeked inside, She saw that the elderly couple were asleep as well.

Coal made her way downstairs, trying to be careful to not make a peep. She approached the front door and slowly opened it, waving her little hoof at the bakers; ushering them to enter. The bakers, as silent as the night, entered the home. Coal smiled, though the couple would be surprised, they would certainly be glad to have Minkie and the bakers here; even though they "baked".

She watched as Minkie took off her saddle bag and began to open it, shuffling through it for something. Coal tilted her head, was Minkie unpacking? Coal Dust froze when she saw what Minkie pulled out of the bag, chloroform.  She intended to knock out the ponies, but why? She soon heard screaming from upstairs, laughter, she soon began to realize something.

There was no way the ponies could help anymore, they had already served their purpose and Coal knew what came next. All the bakers needed was shelter, and now Coal was responsible for what awaited them. Coal felt a pit in her stomach, watching as the now previous residents were dragged down the stairs.

Coal couldn't help but look The elder mare in her eyes, and see the betrayal that was in the gentle purple eyes. She stood and watched as they were dragged away, she looked up at Pinkie who had pulled a rather large knife from her sack. Coal knew she couldn't do anything, nor can she find a way to save them.

as she thought this, she went upstairs.. into the very bedroom and tried to go to sleep.

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