Chapter 10

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Moving day, it had always been Coal's least favorite. That meant she'd have to leave her home behind, and whatever possession she couldn't pack. Coal remembered the small pony doll she had that she had to leave behind because she couldn't find it in time. Before the introduction of "baking" She had always been curious to why they had to constantly move.

But now Coal fully realized the situation, Minkie told her that police ponies were after them because they were bad. Coal Dust never really liked the idea of mixing the word bad with Minkie, but Minkie never lied to her; Minkie was never shy about those kinds of topics. 

Coal Dust began to stuff her back-pack as full as she can, she knew whatever she packed she would have to carry.  A small part of Coal was excited for the new house they were going to, Coal didn't exactly know how house picking worked but since they were in the most rural places of Equestria, the likely-hood of picking a safe place without getting spotted was fairly easy. 

Or so she thought, with her pack stuffed full of snacks and stuffed animals she zipped it closed and trotted downstairs. She watched as the other mares packed their things, swiftly and as carefully as they can. Minkie had stuffed her pack full of essentials , glancing at Coal Dust as she zipped her saddle bag closed.

"Are you ready to go?" Minkie asked with Coal Dust nodding her head in reply. Minkie strapping on her saddlebag, before trotting to Derpy to help her as well with packing. Coal Dust went to Apple Bloom who was packing some of the tools from the basement. Apple Bloom looked up at Coal Dust "Ready tah go Coal Dust?" Coal Dust nodded and looked around the house.

Apple Bloom gave Coal a smile "It's ok Coal, we'll miss this place; just like all of the other houses we were in." Coal Dust hugged one of the wooden poles of the home, before sitting by the door. The stars of the night sky twinkled, Coal gave a small smile before a small yawn escaped her mouth.

Coal Dust shook her head as Minkie and the rest of the bakers approached the door. They opened the door and soon Coal took one last look at her temporary home, making their way through the tall grass. A cold breeze sent shivers up The baker's spine, as they continued their trek across the rural plains.

Soon they reached their destination, They set down their bags as Blinkie looked through binoculars. "There's an old couple that live there as well as a stallion, They don't look too tough to handle." handing the binoculars to Pinkie who silently giggled. "This will be as easy as pie!" Minkie approached "Don't be so sure, as an old saying goes, never judge a book by their cover.

She turned to see Coal Dust yawn as she surveyed the house. Pinkie turned to Minkie and gave a nod. Minkie approached Coal and lifted her tiny little head to face her, "Coal, we need you to do a favor for us." Coal Dust nodded and got up.

Strong as a Stone (a muffins fanfic fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon