Chapter 14

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Derpy and Applebloom cleaned off the knives from earler's harvest, washing up ahead as Inkie worked up in the hills . There was plenty of food to last  them for a very long while, and there wasn't the need to move as of now. Minkie sat by the radio and turned the dial, She held her ear to hear the news. 

Coal Dust sat at the table writing sentences, Minkie paused for a bit and walked over "Let's see how you did." she lifted the paper and began to read aloud " I like blue. Blue is what i like, the sky is blue. The River is Blue. If i wanted to, i would be blue."

She put down the paper and gave Coal dust a pat on the back "You're doing a good job Coal Dust, If you need any help come and ask me ok?" Coal Dust nodded before turning her head back to the paper to continue writing. Applebloom wiped her brow as she entered the living room.

She walked up and took a seat next to Coal Dust, "What'cha writing there Coal?" She asked as Coal picked up the paper and showed off her handy work. Apple Bloom squinted her eyes reading the parchment before furrowing her brow. "What's Jjflurbiter?" Coal shrugged and continued to write.

Apple bloom sat there for a minute before getting up and heading to the fridge for a glass of apple juice. she returned to the table and took a large gulp of the sweet drink. "Ya know Coal Dust, I hate to bother ya with these kinds of questions but.. why don't you join us for baking?"

Coal Dust stopped writing "You're fine with eating just about anything we bake but... I'm just curious." Coal Dust sighed and put down her pencil "I know what it's like to be them." She said blandly "And they know what it's like to be me. Except they don't get to have a happy ending."

She picked up the pencil and began to write more, but aggressively gritting her teeth. Apple Bloom scooted away and nervously drank the rest of her apple juice. She washed her dish and exited the room before anything else. Coal Dust finally stopped writing and looked at the entire paper. Nothing was readable and was covered in massive scribbles, Coal Dust looked back and then back at the paper.

She went outside where Apple Bloom was talking to Babs, she slowly approached and placed a hoof on her other one and looked down. Babs and Apple Bloom looked over "I'm sorry,  i shouldn't of snapped." She said avoiding eye contact. "Apple Bloom came close and hugged her "It's ok Coal."

Minkie watched from the barn as she had just given the rest of the bakers the news. " What do we do now?" Inkie asked in a hushed tone "We continue moving, we'll go silent for a while and not bake. " Inkie nodded the both discussed further later that night

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