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The group of seven stood in the doorway of the massive chamber. The chamber that they were inside of was nearly a hundred meters across and a hundred meters wide. With the black spherical taken blight was just above the center of the chamber about twenty meters in the air. Under his hood, Dregen Yor snickered to himself at the sight of the seven guardians. 

"Now, then, James," Yor said to him as they stood across from each other. "As you can without a doubt tell, Emily is still under Oryx's control." He said looking to his right at the Taken Hunter lifting up her hair with his right hand letting it fall to her shoulder. Nova's eyes grew wide along with David and Williams. 

"Yor," David said coldly. "WE'VE GOT ONE BIG BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!" He shouted pointing at him. 

"Yeah, I know you do kid." He said looking over at the Exo wearing the Voidfang Vestiments. "And I have one to pick with your old man." He said looking directly at James. "How do you think it felt for me to have to return to my master, only to tell him that I had failed?!" He shouted pointing his gloved hand at him. James didn't respond, only with a clenched fist moving forward to face Dregen alone. "You were heralded as heroes, and I was only met with disappointment and disdain!" He exclaimed. "And defeated by you, a Warlock! THAT IS ONE MISTAKE I WILL NOT REPEAT!" He shouted before he started to power up to his own version of Invictus. 

"So, it looks like you've achieved Invictus too," James said to him not moving his hands from his pockets. 

"Invictus? Oh no no no." He snickered. "You see, this is far superior to your pathetic transformation. It increases my strength and speeds far greater than that of your sons ever could achieve." 

"My sons?" He asked. 

"Yeah, the pathetic excuses for a Warlock and Titan who are standing over there." He said looking over at the two boys over the Exo's shoulder. Then as if from nowhere, Nova took off with her Invictus state activated and rushed Yor with her sword fully extended and swung over her head at the Dark Guardian. Yor dodged her swing rather easily with her sword crashing into the Earth below him as he moved back, making the chitinous floor crack and break. She blitzed him as fast as she could possibly go, but Yor was dodging her with ease as if each of her strikes were moving in slow motion as he kept moving backward. Then the Taken Guardian kicked her in her side with both feet sending her to the other side of the room. Nova felt winded and stood up to fight again, but she found herself already at a disadvantage. Emily was going to be fighting with all she had, and she couldn't. However, something odd happened, Emily pinned her to the ground, Nova struggled, but her strength far surpassed her own. 

Yor looked over to his left and smirked. "Now, if any of you try to interfere," He said looking at Cameron with her fist tightly clenched. "She dies." He said to them then shifting his attention back to James. "So, now that we understand each other," He said to James. "Perhaps I should explain since you called your form Invictus, I will title mine, Tenerbris." 

"That's a little on the nose isn't it?" James asked him. 

"That's beside the point." He replied before powering up again. "The point is I'm going to utterly eviscerate you." He told James. "You know I spent the past sixteen years training, fueled by my hatred for you and the humiliation you had dealt me. I studied your fighting, your training, I made sure that I was strong enough to beat you." He sneered. 

James eyed him back and powered up to match him in strength and got into a ready fighting stance. Yor matched his position and took off toward him nearly faster than James could see. Then Yor slammed his gauntleted fist into James' right metal cheek sending him backward into the air. James backflipped and onto the floor and charged forward with his fist cocked behind his head and flew toward Dregen and their fists collided sending a shockwave around the room. 

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now