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In the great plains of the United States Dead Zone, two young men land on the grass of the emptiness around them. No life other than plants and small vermin, no buildings, no people. No need to hold back. 

"What do you think about this place?" One of the young boys spoke up to his training partner as their jump ship dropped them off. 

"I think it makes for a good place to start, kinda wanted to do it in one of the cities though." The other replied to him. 

"Will, you and I both know that the cities are off limits." The other boy replied. 

"Oh, come on David, who's gonna know?" He asked him shrugging his shoulders. Will had brown hair with blue eyes, was about five foot five and with a medium build. His Uncle was about six feet tall had black tipped white hair and eyes that were a mix of blue and purple.  David was the one who usually followed the protocols, while William was always the one to try and push their boundaries much to Commander Zavala's dismay. The two had become guardians at the age of thirteen and had two very different teachers. William had Lord Saladin Forge; the only Iron Lord left in existence. He came home several times during that period, Saladin stressed that his education was just as important as his training. 

Both of the boys had guardian heritage, Will had only one guardian as his parent when he was born one of his mother's: Nova. David had two guardians as his parents, both his father and his mother, James, and Cameron. Not to mention both of the boys were half Exo as well, though David was Nova's sister, Will was more like a brother to David than a nephew. 

"Anyway," David said activating his Invictus Prime form. "Shall we get started?" He asked William. 

William activated his form in kind, his wasn't the Prime version like his brother's, but it was the base one, and he was given the arc version of it when he unlocked it. The way that he obtained the form was when he kissed his boyfriend a few months back. While most of the past Invictus transformations had to deal with immense pain and sorrow, his was from love and joy. David's father took a note of that in his studies, even deciding to make a whole book dedicated to the study of Invictus and what it can do. 

"Let's do this." He said eagerly. 

"Any stipulations you got this time around?" 

"Nah, I want to beat you fair and square David." He said crashing one of his fists into his palm cracking his knuckles.  

"Okay, but I'll warn you, I won't go easy on you this time," David said with a smirk. He remembered each of the times that he and Will sparred with each other, it was much more fun than doing it with his Dad or with Lord Saladin. If only because they weren't holding all their power back. Both of them could go all out if they wanted to, and often they would; devastating the land around them in the process. Will and David saw each other as rivals as well as brothers, they competed to see who was the strongest out of the two of them all the time and they found that they were the ones who pushed each other to train harder. 

"Oh, and the last four times you beat me, you were going easy on me?" Will replied caustically placing his hand on his hip. 

"Nah, I was going all out for you bud," David replied getting into a ready stance, holding his hands out in a claw-like manner, bracing for when his brother would make the first move. Will took off towards him crashing his hand into David catching him off balance sending him several meters back. David caught his balance as dirt and grass flew up into the air from their fighting. The pair created gale force winds as they continued to fly around smacking each other with each punch feeling like a freight train on the other's body. William appeared to be winning the duel. 

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now