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Nova threw the door to her apartment open to see Katie in the process of cooking dinner.

"Hey, beautiful....woah...what happened?" Katie asked looking at her concernedly. Her face was a bright red, and her eyes were watery.

"K-Katie....Em-em..." She asked as she struggled to put the words out of her mouth without falling to pieces.

"What about Emily?" Katie asked taking the food off the stove so that it wouldn't burn.

Nova collapsed to the floor. Her eyes spouting tears like a firehose on full power. "OUR BABY GIRL IS GONE KATIE! EMILY'S MISSING!" Nova cried. Her limbs failed her, and she collapsed to the floor completely. Her stomach flush with the wood paneling. Katie walked over to her and picked her up. Her eyes were starting to well up with Nova's.

"Please...tell me it's not true...." Katie cried.

Nova only sobbed harder and placed her face on Kathrine's chest. "IT IS TRUE! SHE'S GONE! KIDNAPPED BY SOMEONE NAMED ORYX!" She cried. Kathrine pulled her tight to her chest and moved Nova's head up to her shoulders, and she started sobbing with her.

"What are we going to do?!" Katie cried.

"We....no...you can't do anything...I just want you to be safe." Nova cried. "I want to go up there and kill every last one of them...but...I...did something awful Katie...."

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I....stabbed my stepdad...with the sword he made for me."

Katie backed away for a moment and looked at Nova seriously for a second. "Nova..I can't believe you..that man gave you so much, and he wanted to keep you safe. Yet you stabbed him! Where?"

"Through his chest..." She sobbed.

"Nova..how could you?"

"I JUST WANT MY BABY BACK!" She cried. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to get Emily back! That was all that mattered to me!"

Katie walked back over to Nova and held her tight. "Me too Nov. Me too. But I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to am I?"

"No...." She cooed, her tears and crying sounds muffled by Katie's shoulder.

"Okay. We'll talk to him tomorrow okay? It's late."

"Alright...I need some rest..."


Later that same day, it was about eleven o'clock at night, and the Tower was as empty as ever. David sat up in his bed and looked around his room for a moment. He quietly stepped out of his bed, and tip toed over to his closet and pulled his armor off its rack. The pieces grafted themselves to his body glove as he pulled them off. He slowly opened the door to his room and glided down the stairs, causing as little noise as he possibly could. He looked over to the right to see his parent's room slightly ajar. He meandered over to the door and peeked through it as he would have expected the two were fast asleep. Nothing short of a nuclear weapon would wake them up.

David moved over to the door and blinked through it. He made a promise to Caesar that they'd go out tonight. And with the coming of the Taken, he was just itching for a fight. He strolled to the hangar bay to see the mech online waiting for him.

"Good to see you David, is everything alright?" Caesar asked as David transmatted to the pilot's chair.

"No Caesar." He replied as he yawned getting the controls activated.

"Don't remind me. I saw what happened to your Father. I'm terribly sorry about your sister."

David grabbed the control sticks and started moving the mech toward the elevator. Caesar pressed the button, and the elevator took them down to ground level. "Where to?" Caesar asked.

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now