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The party had long since concluded, Emily, Will, and David were all up stairs playing one of their favorite video games. While the two guys were typically better at fighting in a more physical sense, Emily always managed to beat them in video games. Her fingers frantically moved across the controller as the group continued to beat up each other using the characters on screen with Emily executing a combo on Will knocking him off the stage; causing her brother to groan and drop his controller in frustration. Then it was down to her and David. 

Both concentrated on the screen intently, their eyes locked onto their characters as they moved about frantically. David looked at Emily for a second then partially triggered his Invictus form in his hands causing them to move incredibly fast. Emily was unphased by her brother's sneaky move, Will did that to her all the time when they would play together at home. Emily moved her hands over to the grab button on the controller and snatched David's character before throwing him backward off the stage, causing her to win the game. "YES!" Emily shouted. "Even when you cheat you can't beat me!" She laughed happily. 

"Why is it that I lose all the time?" Will questioned sounding frustrated. 

"That's because, Will, you don't bother to look at the combo lists you just mash buttons." 

"That worked all the time when I was younger." 

"Yeah, cause I let you win my dude." 

"Guys, guys, relax," David ordered them. The group then heard a knock on the door behind them with the three looking at each other then back to the door. David got up then opened the door to see Kronah standing there. 

"Aunt K! Hi!" David said to her. 

"Afternoon guys, now I have some news for all of you, the Vanguard have given you a new assignment. I'm going to be your supervisor." Kronah told them forthrightly. Will and Emily perked up at that idea and sprinted over to the door with their ghosts giving them their armor and body gloves. 

"What is it!?" The pair of twins asked her excitedly. 

"There was a Cabal distress signal found on Phobos, one of Mars' moons that's tidally locked in the planets orbit," Kronah replied. "Since the Vanguard doesn't want you getting killed out there, they're sending me to look after you. So, get to my ship in a few minutes, and we'll head out." She said walking out of the room and back down the stairs. Will and Emily sprinted down the stairs while David was pondering in his room still. Something about this didn't feel right. Unlike most people his age, he would read and learn about the language of the races that share the Sol System. 

He'd read over Cabal texts and transmissions before, getting an understanding of their language, albeit a basic one. If it was one thing that he understood about this enemy, it was that they had no words for retreat, but he'd done his research deeper than nearly everyone else besides Ikora and his father. They not only had no word for retreat, but they also had no synonyms for the word either. Evacuate, fall back, nothing. He looked out the window to see the rain pitter patter on the glass and track down to the window sill. Geneva floated out next to him.

"You okay?" She asked him as he continued glaring out the window. 

"I don't know....something seems off about this G....can you get Caesar loaded up and on my ship?" He ordered her passive aggressively. 

"Uh, yeah, why?" She questioned floating to cock her shell slightly. 

"I don't like this. Not one bit. The Cabal have no word for retreat, nothing even falling under that definition, so why, or better yet how did they make a distress call? If we get into a situation that not even my powers can stand up to them, then I want to ensure the cavalry can arrive before we get hammered." David replied speaking the most officially and tactically that he could. He then headed downstairs toward the door, that was when he noticed his sister pull Emily to the side. "Probably going to talk about her attitude again no doubt." He thought as he pulled up his helmet and walked out into the hallway. 

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora