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The group of four guardians arrived at a large gateway to enter the prison on board the Dreadnought, or as the Hive called it the Asylum. Of all the people in their group, Nova and William appeared to be fighting the hardest. Nova had broken a sweat from all the Thralls and Acolytes she'd cleaved into with her sword. They were about to breach the largest door to continue progressing into the prison. With the room finally cleared, the group walked up to the doorway as it opened for them. They were undeterred in their goal, they would do anything to save their dear family member. 

Nova placed her sword on her back and breathed heavily. "How....close...are we?" She asked. 

"Again, we have no idea," James replied placing another cylindrical battery into the top of his rifle. "We'll search each cell in this place until we find him," James replied. 

"Can't....we...just use....void vision?" Nova asked. 

"No. We can't, I've tried using it in here before. It doesn't work, it's blurry when you try to move too far out." He replied walking through the doorway. "Our best hope lies with Toland," He said as he pressed forward with his rifle leading the way. 

"James, I know that this is probably not the time but...we need to consider that Toland may not have the solution we're looking for." Ghost told him telepathically. 

"Not now Ghost, I can't tell her that, I refuse to accept that idea," James replied coldly to his companion. "I can't...I'm sorry. I refuse to believe that this is irreversible. We could cure AIDS and people who had that, we could reverse Autism without any side effects, This is no different. It's a disease, and every disease has a cure." James told him. 

"We're approaching a gauntlet, lot's of Shrieker and Taken energy signatures ahead." Ghost said to him. 

"Understood, David, you still have that sniper rifle?" James asked his son. 

"Yes Dad, why?" He asked as they approached a large chasm with a bridge across and two platforms on the left and right. Each with what looked like a Hive run console, and a large amount of Taken on the bridge and to the platform on the other side. On the platforms, there were two Taken wizards guarding the consoles. 

"Well, if we didn't know where the actual entryway was, here it is." Will noted as they got down lower on the ground to scope out their situation. 

"Yeah no kidding," Nova replied looking at one of the wizards from across the way. She glanced to the left and the right. The chasm that stretched between the bridge and the other side seemed to go on for several hundred more kilometers. She could feel her heart start to sink, the sun would explode before they found Toland. James put a hand on her shoulder for a moment in reassurance. Nova shook her head to remove her disbelief. 

"So, what do we do now?" Nova asked them. 

"We get the longest range weapon's we've got and pick them off from a distance, take out the wizards and activate the two consoles. Then we move forward." James replied sternly. The three others nodded in agreement and prepared their weapons. Nova and Will were going to take the path on the right, and David and James the one on the left. James and Nova would pick off the soldiers in the middle with the two boys handling the Wizards. The two adult warlocks started moving down the stairs to the right and their left. Hiding behind two of the pillars that lined the bridge.

"David, we're in position. On your go." James said as they approached the edge. The two waited patiently for the sound of the sniper rifles, the seconds ticked by and James could feel his power core increase its pulse. Then with a crack of the two rifles, the Wizards on the pillars fell and the Warlocks moved guns forward. James swiftly switched targets as he popped the Taken Thralls and Acolytes that were in their way. The two boys fired their weapons into the Knight's as their parent moved forward. Soon after they put their snipers on their backs and pulled out their primaries and followed up the assault. 

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora