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Emily awoke to find herself in some place that she couldn't recognize. She sat up and looked around for a moment; she tried to understand where she was. The room was white and had a lot of equipment inside of it, she had the sensation of being weightless, not like she was floating in space but as if she didn't have any feeling in her body at all. She looked around and tried to touch what looked like a glass pane in front of her, however, her hand passed through the wall. She looked down at her hands only to find that her hands were transparent. She gasped out loud. 

"I'm dead...." She said to herself. She looked around back over to her left and noticed that there was a being that looked like her body. "Wait....that's.....me." She said looking at the body that was floating around this chamber with her. She slowly walked over to it and tried to touch the Taken. Her hand phased through as she tried to grasp her body again. She walked outside of the glass and noticed that nothing really happened when she walked through the wall. It was as effortless as taking a breath of air. She looked around the medical chamber and looked to see a young boy walk inside of the room. 

She looked and noticed how he was dressed, a graphic t-shirt, jeans with a brown belt with glasses and a cabbie hat. He walked up to the glass and looked herself in the eyes. She watched as her Taken self floated up to the front of the glass pane and pressed her palms up against it. "Emily, what happened to you?" Sam asked her expecting an answer. The beast moved towards him as close as she could and noticed how Sam was reacting. Emily's real self looked at her body as it moved over to the right. Sam tried to follow like a child would follow a shark in a tank in an aquarium. 

"You trying to tell me something beautiful?" Sam asked the body. 

"No Sam, don't do anything! She's not me! I'm not in there!" Emily shouted however to her dismay it didn't look like he could hear her. Her Taken self started drifting over to the wall closest to a command module and pointed toward it. 

"What, do you want me to let you out?" Sam asked her. 

"NO SAM! DON'T BE AN IDIOT! DON'T LET ME OUT!" Emily shouted. Sam walked over to the console and pressed a red button on the command console, and an alarm in the room started to blare as the anti-gravity generators in the room. The Taken guardian stood on solid ground for the first time in a day; Sam watched as the girl tapped on the glass. Emily watched as the chaos was beginning to unfold. Her taken self was let out of the glass by the ignorant boy. Sam walked up to Emily as she stepped outside. The Taken opened her arms as Sam walked forward the human moved up to her and she held him close placing her head over his shoulder. Emily watched in horror as her body opened it's mouth before Monty rushed into the room.

Before the Taken could do anything, Monty pulled out a small handgun and fired a rubber bullet into the head of the creature sending her reeling back. While the Taken was staggered Monty rushed forward with a needle in his right hand tackling her to the floor. "Come on now Emily, hold still!" He shouted pinning her to the floor before stabbing her in the side of the neck with his needle injecting her with the fluid. The creature tried to struggle before her limbs started feeling limp and lifeless. Monty tossed the Taken into the antigravity chamber before moving over toward the console and pressing the button sealing her inside. 

The white frame then looked over toward Sam. If he had a face, it would be absolutely red with anger. "SAM! WHAT THE DEVIL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Monty yelled at him. 

"I could see her; she wanted to get-"


"But she-"


Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now