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The man smiled before putting his hands behind his back. "For many years, I have waited for the return of such power to this planet." He replied to Cameron. His accent was very light, but it seemed friendly, welcoming. Reminiscent of a person residing in the British Isles. "I saw it first nearly one hundred fifty years ago; it was you wasn't it?" He questioned the Titan as she powered down. "Twilight Gap, a bolt of lightning came down from the heavens, and the Traveler himself blessed you with the strength of a god. Was. That. You?" The old Warlock asked.

"Yes...that was me." She replied honestly turning over to him.

"Oh, excellent! Excellent!" He said pulling up what looked like a holographic notebook on his Minotaur arm. "This adds a whole new dimension to my research." He said before closing the blue notepad after typing some things. "Anyway, I apologize for my "colleagues," they don't take too kindly to visitors. We're too used to them being, well, deadly, time-traveling killer robots if you will."

"As I would expect." She replied honestly. "But, that isn't the reason why I came here Osiris." She replied.

"Oh, yes, right, what is the reason that you came here?" He asked quickly.

"I came here to ask for the Sunbreaker's help. I want to learn how to use that Hammer." She said pointing to the still flaming hammer in Imara's hand. Osiris looked at her confused.

"May I inquire as to why?" He replied. "I mean, you're already incredibly strong, why do you want to learn how to use the Hammer of Sol? It makes no logical sense."

"I need to learn this, I understand coming from the perspective of a scientist, I would have no reason to learn it. But listen to me when I say this. The Taken are the greatest threat known to Mankind to date." She said moving up to the Warlock.

"Preposterous, the Vex are infinitely more dangerous. Quite literally in fact." He replied astutely, his statement full of conviction. The Warlock moved over toward a box and away from Cameron for a moment.

"But what happens when that same force is Taken, Osiris?" She asked gesturing her hand toward him. Osiris' eyes grew wide with fear, and he turned around to face Cameron.

"What does it mean, to be...Taken?" Osiris questioned gesturing back over to her with his Minotaur arm.

"We aren't exactly sure. Though, in our current knowledge, it's a lot like a disease. It can be transmitted from victim to victim by them biting each other. But it's different. The Taken are controlled by a being residing in a moon-sized spaceship in the rings of Saturn. They're more intelligent than the nature of them would imply." She replied walking up to the Warlock. "They are in control of some of the Vex drones as well."

Osiris looked at her thoughtfully for a moment his eyes focused on her. "Oh no no no no no! I know exactly what he is up to...this is bad." He replied incredibly concerned. "The Vex only think logically, and if they submitted to this then...oh no." He said looking directly over to Imara. "Listen, it's paramount that you and your Sunbreakers help the City on this. If we sit idle and do nothing, then the whole Universe could be put into Oryx's direct control." He told her. "Teach her how to use that Hammer." He ordered.

"Yes Master," Imara replied. Osiris turned his attention back over to Cameron.

"Now, before we get started, I wanted to tell you why I am so curious about that power that you have," He told her honestly.

"Alright, sure." She replied.

"After all my years of study, I had always known that there was something that Guardians would be able to achieve. Stronger, faster, tougher, everything enhanced. I'd seen things from my tower that I wouldn't have expected or seen before. Two super storms, so powerful they knocked out power in the City on the other side of the planet. A surge of Void energy so strong it threatened to tear a hole in reality itself. Then, just when I thought I had seen the last of these anomalies, a massive beam of Solar Light descended from the sun directly toward the Earth." He said as he walked over toward her. "I was terrified; I believed that the end of the world had come. That is until I heard something come crashing into the surface of the planet." He said reflecting back on what he had experienced two years ago.

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now