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After Aaron was transmatted up to the ship as James walked off with Cameron toward the location of their other team. Cameron kept an eye on James as they walked with each other, something was bothering him for the past several hours, and nothing truly was itching him like this. It was like he was surrounded by monsters that were waiting to pounce on him at any moment and he was just waiting for that moment to happen. She couldn't quite understand why they were going to finally win this War. 

"James....what's bothering you?" She asked softly. James shook his head for a moment as if he were coming out of a trance and looked over at Cameron. 

"Oh, uh yeah, I'm fine." He replied as they walked through the green-lighted hallways.  

Cameron sighed to herself. "James...how stupid do you think I am?" She asked.

"What? I don't think you're stupid at all Cameron." 

"James. Something is clearly bothering you. And I've lived with you for fifteen years, and known you for sixteen," She replied with her voice growing more concerned. "In conclusion, what the heck is bothering you?" She asked looking right at James. He didn't reply; only a sullen look blanketed his metallic, white face. "James." She said sternly wrapping her hand tightly around his forearm preventing him from moving any further. He looked at her and saw the seriousness in her eyes. Her eyebrows bent into a scowl probing at his psyche. He could see her concern pulsating underneath the smoothness of her skin through the rapid pulsing of her veins. "What. Is it." She demanded. 

James finally conceded. If this was his fate, then there was no point in hiding it from her. 

"Cameron....I'm going to die." He whispered. Camerons' eyes grew wide as her grip on James' forearm and lowered her arm. He cocked her head to the right and raised her eyebrows to the top, feeling a slight bead of sweat drip from the top of her forehead down the side of her face. James could feel her concern not getting lower, but increasing to tremendous degrees. 

"What...and like that's different from the other times that I did?" She chuckled nervously, thinking about how absurd her husband was acting. James' expression didn't change, indicating to her that he wasn't joking. "James...you can't be serious right?" She asked him trying his hardest to turn away.  Cameron gripped him tightly on the shoulder and pulled him up holding him in place. "Right?!" She shouted her voice quaking slightly. 

James looked down at the ground. "When I went out to Germany, I meditated to gain arc light, and I saw a vision." He replied. "One where I am standing in front of Oryx alone, and then I am destroyed by a bright flash of light." 

"Do you really think that I am going to let that happen to you, James?" Cameron asked her tone a low, stern, shout. "Listen. We are guardians; we die all the time."

"I know we do, but this time I won't be coming back." 

"James...stop saying that before I knock you out," Cameron replied with tears starting to well up in her eyes. James flinched back in surprise. "I don't care what your future vision thing told you, but prophecies don't come true on their own, we have to make them. I don't believe in fate James." She replied. "No god in this world would be that cruel." 

James looked at her and wrapped his arms around her armored torso clasping her to him. He could hear her sniffling on his right shoulder as she lay her head there. "Please....don't do this...don't do that to me..."

"If I left...you'd be able to find someone better." 

She then lifted her head off his shoulder and had the largest genuine frown you could possibly have. Her face was a bright red and tears were pouring out of her eyes like a broken fire hydrant. Even the prospect of that made her upset. "BETTER? WHO ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET COULD POSSIBLY BE BETTER THAN YOU?!" She shouted. 

Wrath of A King: Shattered Past Book 5Where stories live. Discover now