Chapter 17: Despondency

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"Surprise, surprise," I growled, baring my teeth, venom dripping from my words.

He placed his hand on his jaw, his eyes still fixed on my trembling form.


"How do you have the audacity to stand here so nonchalantly? How can you act carefree? You have the guts to beat the shit out of him and still stay and smoke like you didn't do anything? What is wrong with you?"

I held myself from screaming and lashing out at him. I wanted to hurt him, and I didn't even know why.

"Don't you ever touch Yoongi again, do you understand? If I hear from him that you both crossed paths, which I will, without a doubt, it won't end up good for you. Believe me, JB."

His eyes flashed, and the next moment, he had me pinned to the wall, caged so tightly between his muscular arms, that I found it impossible to move. He brought his face near mine, his dark eyes glittering dangerously. He clasped his hands around my wrists painfully hard.

"What do you see in him? What? I'm so much better, Yuna. I can give you so much more. Why don't you understand?" His voice receded to an urging plea.

He detached his hands from my wrists and placed them on my cheeks, the feel of his calloused hands surprisingly warm.

"Why don't you understand?" He whispered, staring into my eyes.

"I love you."

My hands that were busy trying to free myself from his clutches, fell loose by my sides. I stood rigid, not moving, looking at him unblinkingly.

"I love you, Yuna."

My eyes caught a stray tear trickling down from the corner of his eye. It hung on his chin, trying hard to clutch on, until it let go and dropped to the floor. One more followed, and my own eyes watered.

"I've been trying to tell you this for two years, Yuna. But you're never ready to hear me out. Since, s-since that night, I've known that I'm in love with you. Truly, madly, deeply in love with you, Yuna. I'll do anything for you. I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you happy. I'll make you the happiest girl alive. I'll treat you like a princess, just like how you deserve to be treated. Please, just give me a chance. Please."

His voice broke down because of the endless tears streaming down his face. I looked at him, broken like this, and my eyes couldn't hold on for longer. Thick tears flowed down my cheeks and I screwed my eyes shut, shaking my head like it would make me forget everything I'd done. Everyone I'd hurt. Every mistake I'd made. Our sobs mingled together in the silent grounds.

My hands cupped his face and wiped his tears, but more followed.

"I'm sorry. I'm so s-sorry, J-Jaebum. P-Please f-forgive me," I couldn't form the words properly as I sobbed harder and harder.

JB shook his head and leaned down. He put his face in my neck and hugged me tightly. My arm went around his neck and one at the back of his head, cradling it to my chest.

"I'm sorry, J-Jaebum. Y-you d-don't deserve m-me. At a-all. You d-deserve someone s-so much b-better. Someone who will l-love you m-more than you love h-her. Someone who will t-take care of you a-and treat you like a prince. I-I can never do that. I c-can n-never give you what you d-deserve."

By the time I had finished talking, Jaebum was crying harder than ever on my shoulders, his tears burning my skin. I stroked his hair and his face as I pressed him tightly to me.

*Flashback starts*

"Come on! We're getting late!"

Her giggle resonated in the air. She held his hand and tugged, causing him to chuckle at her impatience. She waved her melting ice cream cone at his face, and he flinched back, but not before some touched his nose.

He feigned an offended gasp, making her eyes widen as her hand flew to her mouth.

"Uh-oh," she whispered.

His face split into an evil grin, and the next second, she let out a shriek and started running. He let her have a head start and followed her after a few seconds. Unfortunately for her, his legs were a lot longer and muscular, and it was not long before he caught up to her.

His long arms clasped around her frail form, making her stop in her tracks. She gave out a surprised shriek, screamed and flailed, trying to free herself from his clutches. He released a booming laugh, his heavy-lidded eyes crinkling at the end. He twirled her around and she laughed loudly, her giggles making a large smile spread out on his lips. 

Just as the blood rushed up to her pale face, he placed her on her feet and hugged her from behind. He dug his face in her hair and inhaled deeply.

"That was fun!"

He nodded, tightening his arms around her waist as they lightly swayed.

Little did they know, that behind all their fun, a pair of eyes was following their every move.

*Flashback ends*

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