Chapter 13

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Hans walked her to her room, Elsa turns and faced Hans "thank you for your tour" Elsa thanked "your welcome" Hans answered and exited the hallway "goodnight...Hans"Elsa whispered and went inside her room, she leaned at the wall and shut her eyes. "am I falling for him"she asked herself. Kristoff was at the hallway and spots Hans but before he could approach him, Hans went left, Kristoff followed him to the balcony and caught him red-handed talking with the duke of weasel town "what are you doing here" Hans asked "ah prince Hans its nice to meet you again"the duke answered "you didn't answer my question WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" Hans asked with a higher voice "I've heard about the attack in Arendelle...nobody was harmed really but the queen...I heard she escaped with her sister and her sisters husband with the help of someone...leaving me...A WONDERING WEASEL" the duke yelled "since when did you care about them...about her"Hans asked with a determined voice "I had her cornered, I could've gain the power to control ice and snow"the duke yelled "YOU, you did that, you are responsible of the attack , how could you" Hans asked starting to rage in anger "well that monster has to think before cutting someone's trade connection" the duke yelled "don't you dare call her a monster" Hans yelled with fury, the duke stared at him "something tells me you have feelings for that monster" the duke smirked "leave"Hans shouted "I am not leaving unless you hand me that monster" the duke yelled "I would never...just leave LEAVE NOW"Hans shouted, the duke gave him an uncomfortable look "mark my will regret what you just did" the duke exclaimed and stormed out of the castle. Hans sighed and headed to his bedroom when Kristoff suddenly pinned him at the wall "you really are a frozen heart" kristoff yelled "what are you talking about"Hans said squirming "I saw you talking with the duke of weasel town... you really are a liar and Elsa trusted you" kristoff spatted "I didn't know he was here I asked him to leave" Hans answered then Kristoff released his neck harshly "if you are a manipulator you stay away from Anna or Elsa you get me" Kristoff yelled and stormed out of the hallway. Hans rubbed his neck and proceeded to his room when he heard a cry for help, he followed the shadows and saw two of the dukes men carrying the unconscious Kristoff . Hans immediately hid "man what is wrong with that man, first he planned an attack then kidnapp Anna's husband, what a psycho" Hans mum bled and followed them to the clear side of the forest where the duke with his 50 guards were. Hans immediately left and went back to the castle to tell Anna and Elsa.

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