Chapter 7

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The next morning , Elsa woke up and went to the partition , she took her night gown off and wore her ice dress, then she went to the balcony to watch the break of dawn. She looked at both of her side to see if anyone was awake but there was no one in the balcony but her, she couldn’t stop thinking of who would be responsible for the attack and what was Hans going to say when he said that there was another reason he would come here, it makes sense, why would he risk to come here when he knows that I could probably kill him by now, “ what could it be” Elsa thought, then the doors from the left balcony opened , Elsa gave a little gasp and hid in the ice door , Elsa was shocked to see Hans, He made her blush cause his shirt was slightly open since he wasn’t wearing a vest to cover it. “ keep it together Elsa ,” she told herself, she peeked again , he was leaning his arms on the mantle admiring the rising sun, Elsa snapped when she heard someone at the door . Knock, knock “ Elsa are you awake” Anna asked , “ um…yes come in” Elsa answered . Anna went in “Good morning Elsa” Anna smiled, “ Good morning to you too” Elsa smiled back. “so what should we be having for breakfast” Elsa asked “well we scavenge” Anna teased , “ good idea why not the four of us go scavenge for food “ Elsa suggested “Okay…WAIT WHAT! Elsa no, there’s no way I’m going scavenging with Hans” Anna yelled “Then you’re not” Elsa answered. “What do you mean” Anna asked “His scavenging on his own, so am I and you and Kristoff, but if you want to find food with Kristoff it’s okay” Elsa suggested “Okay fine” Anna agreed . “ but first we need to find us some clothes to wear, we can’t move a lot with this gowns” Anna suggested . so they went to the ice cabinet with ice dresses and choose two white icy long sleeved and blue icy bodice with a skirt that goes to their knees. They went to the partition and changed into the dresses they got from the cabinet. Now let’s go tell Kristoff and Hans” Elsa told her  “let’s go” Anna yelled , they went out of Elsa’s room and to opposite rooms, Anna went to Kristoff who was still snoring. “rise and shine sleeping beauty” Anna yelled “Hmm…Why” Kristoff asked  still half asleep, “Cause we got to find food to eat duh” Anna answered . “Okay Elsa you can do this” Elsa told herself as she was about to knock. She found her courage and knocked “ Hans are you awake, if you’re not wake up and get your pants on we need to find some food for breakfast” Elsa yelled from the door. “conceal don’t feel” Elsa tried to calm herself down, she was getting scared, then Hans answered from the room “um…I will be down in a minute” so Elsa went down where Kristoff and Anna was. “his not coming” Anna asked, “um…yes he is he’ll be down in a minute” Elsa answered “oh” Anna answered. Then Hans went down, Elsa was relieved that he was wearing a  blue vest to cover his um…let’s just say his upper part. “ so…um are we going or what” Kristoff asked , then they went out to find food, well they were lucky. Anna and Kristoff found a bush of strawberries  and an apple tree, Elsa found a vine of grapes, but Hans found it the hard way “where on earth would I find food in the middle of the mountains” Hans groaned,” I knew I should have just stayed back home, who cares if I sleep in the dungeon at least, they give me food not scavenging for some” Hans complained, then he stumbles on a rock and fell, “URGH” Hans groaned then he spotted a garden of carrots “I guess there’s always a rainbow in every corner” Hans giggled and stood up and started picking the carrots, after he picked them up headed back to the castle but on his way he noticed that some of the carrots were missing then he felt a warm breath on his back so he turned his back and faced but he wasn’t so happy to find out. 

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