Chapter 4

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Anna and Elsa waited at the corridor, Elsa first walked at the aisle, everyone bowed as she walked and made it to her seat at the throne. Kristoff was wearing a white suit and a blue undershirt. Then the corridors opened and Anna was revealed, she started walking at the aisle and finally made it to the altar where Kristoff was waiting.

A few wedding vows later

“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss” the priest said , then Anna and Kristoff faced each other and kissed , there was a huge crowd . and as Anna and Kristoff went out of the cathedral. Elsa made a snowflake shower. Then Anna threw her bouquet and Elsa caught it and giggled then handed it to one of the little girls from the villagers. Then everyone went to the grand hall where the reception was. Elsa was talking with the guests and Anna and Kristoff were also talking with the guests. Then Elsa was done talking with the Queen of Orkdalen , the butler announced the next guest, but as Elsa saw who it was her smile began to fade when It was “Hans” she screamed “your majesty” Hans exclaimed, Elsa couldn’t talk , “ could you excuse me for a minute” Elsa said with a sour face, Hans nodded   and Elsa went to Anna “ Anna can I talk to you please for a minute” Elsa asked “ sure” Anna answered “ what is It  Elsa ,is there something wrong” Anna asked , Elsa took a deep breath and sighed “Are you aware that Hans is here “ Elsa asked “WAIT WHAT!” Anna surprisingly answered “you invited him” Anna asked “ Well , I thought it was going to be his other brothers or his twin sister” Elsa answered “ He has to leave “ Anna suggested “ No , we cant make an embarrass in front of the other guests” Elsa shared her opinion “ fine , just make him leave if he does something…bad” Anna requested “deal” Elsa agreed , then they went back to what they were doing. Then Hans approached Elsa “ excuse me , my lady would like to dance “ Hans offered , Elsa stared at him “ sure” Elsa agreed but wasn’t happy looking and as they waltz .Hans broke the silence “ Queen Elsa is there something wrong , you look troubled” Hans asked concern, Elsa replied “ What are you doing here” Elsa asked  with a higher voice. “ My sister Hannah suggested I should come here .” Hans answered “ Hans, you need to leave now, Anna isn’t comfortable with you here” Elsa pleaded as she stopped and took her hands from Hans “but that’s not the main reason I agreed to come here  ” Hans answered “ Then what are you here for “ Elsa asked “ for-“ Hans couldn’t finish his words when the huge door was opened, and everyone looked . there were soldiers that weren’t from Arendelle rampaging everywhere. Elsa left Hans on the dance floor and went to where Anna and Kristoff was, “ Anna , Anna” Elsa yelled,  “ Elsa , where are you” Anna cried, then they finally met “ Elsa we need to get out of here “ Anna suggested while holding on Kristoff’s arm. Elsa looked everywhere and saw a door leading to the 2nd floor. “ let’s go” Elsa commanded as they went to the hall way at the 2nd floor. “ you stay here as I find a way out” Elsa suggested “just be careful” Anna answered ,  So Elsa went  further in the hall looking for anywhere they could escape in but failed ,then someone called her name “ Elsa ,psst” “ who’s there “Elsa  asked “ Elsa up here “ Elsa looked up and saw Hans at the top of  the ceiling “Elsa come with me” Hans said while stretching his arm “ No, there’s no way I’m coming with you and leaving Anna” Elsa yelled “ I mean you and Anna and her husband” Hans yelled “Elsa “ Anna called her and saw Elsa talking with Hans. Elsa heard footsteps coming further  approaching, then she looked at Anna and back to Hans and was forced to say “fine “ she shouted and grabbed Hans’s hand, so did Anna and Kristoff . then Hans closed the ceiling with a plywood. They crawled all the way out of the ceiling boards to the cellar door and out of the castle Elsa made ice on the fiord so everyone can pass. And after everyone passed, she thawed the ice quickly and they escaped to the northern mountains. 

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