"I am thankful for my family" Josh's mom started. "And I am thankful for Sage," she continued, I widened my eyes in shock as she spoke. "You've made my Joshua so very happy and even took him back when he wasn't being very bright" she laughed. The biggest smile was plastered on my face as I thanked her before turning to Josh. He was smiling goofily towards me before kissing me on the cheek.

"I am thankful for the amazing year Josh and I have had and for everyone who has contributed towards it. Especially my beautiful wife" Tyler said before kissing Jenna. When it got to Josh he took in a deep breath.

"I am thankful for the many people who have bothered to listen to our music, my family, friends and fans. Without it I never would have met Sage, who is my everything and who I am most thankful for" he said, tears welled up in my eyes as I couldn't help but kiss him after.

Everyone else had their turns, I made sure to say I was thankful for Josh who held my hand through it all. I couldn't help but feel so much love towards him, it was a truly beautiful day and meal. The food was delicious and I was preparing myself for seconds when Tyler's phone rang. His face went red as he pulled it out of his pocket while everyone stared at him. He stood up to answer it before Jenna pulled at his t shirt.

"Tyler" she scolded, thinking it was rude to leave the table during thanksgiving.

"It's John, I told him to only call me if it was an emergency" he explained, she nodded and he walked out.

"What do you think he's call about?" I said to Josh, he shrugged and continued to eat his food.

"Something probably broke in the studio and he needs Tyler to bail him out of it. John's like that" he said with his mouth full. There was some yelling from the hallway before Tyler appeared again in the doorframe trying to hold his emotions.

"Josh buddy, can you come here a second?" He barely said without breaking his straight face. Josh looked at me, I shrugged and he got up and followed Tyler out of the room.

Jenna gave me a look before I shrugged again, letting her know I didn't know what's going on. There were whispers while everyone waited in suspense to what the boys had to say. They stood in the door frame when they came back in and Josh locked his eyes with me; he was happy. Tyler nudged Josh who nudged him back, Tyler couldn't hold in his grin any longer before he burst into a smile.

"We've been nominated for three Grammys!" He yelled and everyone cheered loudly. My eyes widened before I instantly stood up along with everyone else, everyone was clambering towards them to congratulate them so I had to wait until Josh's grandma had finished before I could get to him. His eyes met mine and he grinned widely, my man was Grammy nominated.

"Congratulations" I said and kissed him hard. He kissed me back and held his arms tightly around me, I pulled away and got shoved away by Jordan who wanted to wish his brother congratulations. I just laughed and went up to Tyler to congratulate him and ask him about it.

"So how did it happen?" I asked wanting to know everything.

"He started with 'so the Grammys just called' and I immediately started freaking out so I called Josh just in case we had been nominated and he told us" he explained, I hugged him and then went back to Josh. Josh's mom calmed everyone down after she had hugged her boy and we all sat back down again.

"I'm so proud" I grinned and kissed him behind the ear.

"I'm so happy to make you proud" he replied and pushed his lips against mine.

After dinner we played games and drank until everyone was wasted. Not only were we celebrating the holidays but Josh and Tyler were now Grammy nominated. They were both giddy with happiness throughout the night and were glued to each other's sides discussing it. Josh came over to me at around one am to let me know he was going to bed and I followed him. He took all of his clothes except boxers off immediately and climbed into bed while I changed into one of his shirts and went into the bathroom. He was sat up in bed when I came out so I walked over to him and straddled his lap.

"Grammy nominated" I said to him, he sat up and connected our lips. His hands were firm on my thighs as I ran my hands through his hair.

"We said if we win we are going to accept the award in our underwear, since that's what we used to wear when we watched it years ago" he told me, I laughed in response.

"That's an amazing idea" I agreed and he grinned. He pulled me down so I was laying down and he was leaning over me, he kissed me so passionately before crawling on top of me. "We have to be quiet" I whispered, realising we were in his parents house. He just nodded before leaning down to kiss me again.

Welcome to the sequel, i hope it lives up to your expectations :)

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