▪°~2~°▪ Mystery Boy

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I woke up bright and early in the morning. It was another day at school.
I put on my uniform and ran down stairs. Grabbing my lunch I ran out the door.


I began walking to school. I put my ear buds in and looked at my phone. Eventually I stopped at a cross walk and heard people to the side of me. I looked up off my phone and noticed Garoth. I felt my face turn pink and I looked away from them. After theu noticed me they got a little more quite. After a few minutes of waiting the cross walk changed. I speed walked across the street and got to the school. On arriving I met Katelyn at my locker. I put my stuff away and we hurried upstairs. She got to her locker and put her stuff away. We began to walk around the halls and talk.

"Katelyn last night I had a strange dream." I spoke.

"What was it about?" She asked curiously.

"Well I had a dream about this code I found." I stated quitely.

"Not again." Katelyn growled.

"You remember what happened last year." She spoke.


I suddenly decide to look up at the window. I noticed a code the code read,


I felt my heart racing fast after that and I turned back to Katelyn.

"Something is going to happen the week of June the 16th." I spoke.

▪~~~~~The Week Of June 16th~~~~~▪

"Your all suspened for Cyber Bullying." The prinicipal spoke.

"Why won't you listen to our side of the story." Teony growled.

"You should be glad I didn't call the police." She yelled.

The principal left the room and we all sat there staring at each other. We all began to burst into laughter and as she returned we were sent to other rooms. The rest of the day we spend trying to be nice and kind to the principal.

▪~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~▪

"Aphmau the last time you saw a code it didn't end well." Katelyn whisper yelled.

"I know I know but I wonder what it means." I smiled.

We turned the cornor and I saw that same boy from yesterday. He always wore a bandana over his eyes and we passed by him and we stared each other down. After that I looked at Katelyn and she looked back at me confused. I gave her a reasurung smile and we decided to head down for class.


After finishing my first class I decided to take another route to gym today. Instead of going left I went right. As I walked down the hall I had this urge to look around. My eyes stopped on this one guy. It was him. I wasn't sure of his name but he caught my intrest. I had a feeling he was a druggie but also a bad boy. Whether he was or not was beyond my control. He looked at me and I looked back at him. I wasnt scared to look into his eyes. I couldnt see his eyes either so that may explain why. We crossed paths and I let out a sigh of relief. I made my way to gym and sat in the change room.


I decided to keep my interest in this boy a secret from everyone for now. I knew telling Katelyn wouldn't be a good idea yet. She would end up thinking I like him, which I don't. I like Garoth. But for some reason I felt like I should keep an eye on him. After finishing my third class for the day it was lunch time now. Kawaii Chan and Nicole sat down with us for Lunch. Nicole was one of my newer friends that I made. I looked around the caffertria and spotted Garoth. I felt myself smile and I noticed him look in my direction. I looked away and over somewhere else. I felt my face getting red and I looked back over. I have hope that he likes me as well. I looked at him again and saw him get up off the stage. He began walking in our direction. He walked up to Nicole and they began arguing. I laughed a bit and we all decided to go upstairs. We still had ten minutes before the bell rang so we walked around the school. We eventually decided to go into a stair case with a window. We looked out the window and I felt my heart beating fast. In the student parking lot I saw him. The boys who name was unknown to me. He was sitting on a red car with a few of his friends. He took of his bandana and I felt my heart racing. He looked really cute. His long black hair flew in his face and his black eyes shined in the light. He put the bandana down on the car and relaxed. His friends started fighting and he stood up punching both of them in the face they fell to the ground. He took the bandana and shoved it in his pocket.

"Did you see that." Katelyn laughed.

"He just punched them both out." Kawaii chan giggled.

I rested my head against the window and looked up.

"Shit." Nicole mumbled.

I looked out the window and saw them staring at us. My face turned a bright red and Katelyn and Kawaii Chan bursted into laughter. He put his bandana back on his face and began walking towards the door. We all got up quick and slowly walked to the door upstairs. We heard the door dowstairs slam open and the first thing we heard,

"I didn't get a clear look at them."

We flew open the upstairs door and ran like hell. We ran down to Katelyn's class and hid in the class. We heard people run by and we all started breathing heavily. The teacher looked at us concered and we broke in laughter. Eventually the rest of us left for class and the day ended.



I picked up my phone and went onto the google app store. I redownload instagram and signed in. Looking at my messages I pressed on one that caught my eyes.

"Hey long time no talk."

It was from an old friend, Laurence.
I began typing and we messaged for a bit. After that I ended up deleting instagram and using another app to text him. Well I was bringing up about what happened last year he told me something that would change everything.

"Theres this boy in my math class hes been pushing me and punching me lately."

Aph : "What does he look like?"

Laurence : "Long black hair really stetchy guy."

Aph: "Does he have a banada over his eyes."

Laurence: "Yes."

Aph: "Whats his name?"

Laurence: "His name is Aaron."

Aarmau AU ✦Mysterious Figure✦ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now