Phoenix Academy - Chapter Four

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Chapter four

Is awake and ready to wreck havoc on the unsuspecting of the world.

errrrrrrrrr mental barrier is down. I looked at my alarm clock 8am !

Alex ! what have I told you about making world domination plans before 9am ! I'm trying to sleep.

Well it's no good doing it after that time as your awake and would spoil my plans, anywayyou need to wake up little sis and smell the aroma created by Kitty.

That was when I caught a whiff of pancakes coming from the kitchen, Clay. Here. Now ? At 8am ! Ohh well I guess I should get up before he sees me with crazy bed hair, bunny rabbit pjs and no make-up !

 I've been at Phoenix Academy for a month now. I thought it was going to be awful and terrifying. Without any guardians I thought this would be a disaster and that I would never feel safe. However I have never felt more safe than when I'm with Clay. I know that he would jump in front of a bullet for me, run into a burning building or push me out of the way of a moving car.  

Not that I would ever want him to do any of these things for me, I would die if anything happened to him, he is my air.

"hi sweetheart" He said as he wraps his arms around my waist and places a soft kiss on my forehead once I'm showered and dressed " Breakfast is almost ready Alex said I was risking my life if I went in there at this time of the morning"

"Alice just loves the mornings, she is always up at this time happy and smiling" laughed Alex as he sat down on the sofa. apparently waiting for pancakes for himself.

"yeah I might be up, No, I'm not happy about it" I snipped to Alex.

suddenly I felt some soft worm lips on mine. I just melted. Okay not such a bad waking up after all. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss.

yuck Alice. Mental barrier goes up. there is no way Alex is going to stop this and it deserves him right for waking me up.

"Sorry about the early morning. Marissa was in my room first thing banging on again how she cant believe I love you" he turned back to the pancakes and starting flipping them "gesssh she needs to get over it already. I hope she did not give you too much of a hard time. She's not a bad person really just a bit shocked. oooh you look stunning by the way, hope I don't embarrass you too much in my leather jacket and jeans. What are your plans this evening ?"

I did not reply.


Still no reply.

"Alice" Clay comes over to me looking concerned and Alex sits up wondering what I'm thinking.  

Still no reply

"Alice what's wrong" Clay has now grabbed my arms, looks panic stricken and Alex is now standing beside him.

" love me?"

relief floods their faces. Alex rolls his eyes and picks up a pancake and heads to his room.

""ooh baby" he pulls me to his chest in a hug " I thought you were ill or something. don't do that to me. Of course I love you. I know I've not known you long but you complete me. I'm nothing without you. I can't focus in my classes, I just go through the motions, all my thoughts are of you "he lifts my chin forcing me to look up at him " I love you, and I'm never going to let you go"

"I love you clay"

This last month we have spent almost every waking minute together, I even go and watch his after school combat practices just to be with him. I force him to hang around with Marissa even though she's his sister, and they don't get along all that well. I told him she was my friend and he had to learn to deal with it. We have watched films in the common room, done our homework together, just sat across from each other while talking with our friends. It's a comfort just to know he is near me.

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