Phoenix Academy - Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


Pain. Unbearable, stabbing pain. I could feel a knife sticking out my shoulder as someone was ripped off me. I heard a panicked voice tell me to stay awake. Why all I want to do is sleep. I told them that but all I heard was a low whisper...

...I woke up to the sound of beeping. Someone was holding my hand telling me too be strong. Was it my mother ?...

...Voices. I can hear voices...

...I know I'm safe now. I'm lying on a soft bed and I'm sure that it is my mother's voice I can hear this time, but I'm unable to open my eyes or identify the other voice in the room...

...I can feel terrible pain again. I tried to move my left arm to reach the glass of water on the bedside table when a searing pain shot up my arm to my shoulder where it was throbbing. I screamed until I passed out once again...


For weeks I have been sitting in Alice's bedroom back at the palace. I still cannot believe what has happened. I re-live it over and over again.

Alice. My dear sweet little sister Alissandra. How could she have gone missing in such a short space of time ?! I was back in our dorm room sitting on her bed with my head in my hands. I was waiting for news when I felt the mental barrier she had put up that morning shatter and I was pulled into her terror and pain like a crashing wave. Someone was rapeing her ! I ran out the door, through the academy out the gates and into the woods using our mental link to find home in on her location.  

At some point Jonas and Katherine were running alongside me as we rushed to her aid. We came out into a clearing and took everything in, in a split second. Alice strung up between two trees, five men all over here. FIVE MEN ! And the glint of a knife as it plunged into her stomach.  

All hell then broke lose as Jonas and Katherine went after the men and I rushed towards Alice praying that she was alive.

I slam my fist on the arm of the chair so hard I think I may have disturbed her in her slumber. Then I regrettable remember she's now in a comma. And has been for six months.

The first month the doctor was reluctant to put her in a comma. He said she would heal quick enough and as long as she was never left alone in case she need anything she would be in no danger. Therefore Mother, Our cousin Eric Masterson who has lived with us since his parents death and I stayed with her at all times. Then our Stupid uncaring father who had not seen her since she was bought back to the palace on the day of the attack called Eric away as he wanted an increase in the palace guards as Eric was the General in charge of the Guardians. In that small space of time she must have wanted something as a scream went through the palace, and when we got to her, her stitches were open and she had already passed out from the pain.

She was then put into a comma by the doctor because she needed time to recover and this was now the only way. It was then another two months before he took her out the comma.

We waited beside her bed for her to wake up. But she never did !  

It's been another four months and she's still in the self-induced comma with no signs of waking up.

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