Thinking of the Perfect Date

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 I am really sorry that this is short. I was really sick this week and I still had to go to school because of exams. I know it might be disappointing that I am mostly updating only once or twice per week but I have to keep up with school. Also,I have another story that I have to update called, Percabeth meet Emma. Thank you so much for understanding

Thank you soooo much for the 1.2K. I am really excited and happy that many people actually enjoy reading my stories. You do not know how happy this makes me! Thank you for all of your support!!!

Annabeth's POV:

" Clarisse, Piper was looking for. Would you mind going to her?"

"Ok. Have fun" Clarisse winked at Percy then left.

" You were lying to her weren't you?"

" Its none of your business, is it?" I countered

" Well, at least we know where your sister got her sassiness."

" So, what were you doing with Clarisse?"

" Oh nothing. She was bored so I invited her in. I missed playing with Tyson and she reminded me of him, so I had fun playing with her. She tells me that you talk about me to her!" Percy said while wiggling his eyebrows.

" You already have a big ego" I hit him playfully

"Ow!" Percy faked being hurt

" Oh I am so sorry. Does my little baby here have a booboo?" I teased playfully

"You know what, I give up. You won this time"

"Of Corse I did"

" Thanks to your sister, I know your weakness"

" You wouldn't DARE!"

" Yes I would"

Then the tickle battle began

" Please, haha, stop, haha" I Said in between laughter

" Only if you agree to let me plan our next 'hangout'"

" You know you can call it a date if you want"

" I know its a date. I just decided call it a hangout since this time I asked you."

" Sure, how about tomorrow?"

" Ok. I will tell you what is happening. Now leave this boy alone. I will need at least 4 hours to think of this but I can manage."

" Alright, whatever you want. Bye" I kissed him on the cheek then left his room.

Percy's POV:

I sat down on my bed. Should I take her on a picnic? No, we did that. Should I take her to the woods for a stroll? No, she is a princess, she expects big things, but I know her. She doesn't like things that are too big and fancy.

I heard a knock on the door and I had already dismissed Erik, so I stood up to open the door.

" Hey Perce"

"Hi Rachel, what are you doing here? No one knows that we know each other so we have to be careful to not get caught"

" Percy, you mean to not get caught by the princess. I know you have feelings for her Percy."

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