13.Sneaking Out

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Percy's POV:

" So what do you like to do for fun?" I asked

" I like to read, play outside, play with Clarisse, play basketball with my fiends and paint" Annabeth said

" i figured you would like to paint since you hang out with Clarisse" I said

" What? Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you. How did Leo end up playing basketball against Clarisse?"

" We were walking and we bumped into your sister. The she took us to her art room and we all started drawing. Everyone was drawing something different. Leo and I couldn't draw or paint so our paintings were horrible. Franks painting was alright and Jason's was good. But Clarisse's painting was beautiful and realistic." I said remembering the beautiful painting of Annabeth, with her beautiful blond hair and her gorgeous gray eyes- Wait, no snap out of it Percy.

" What did she draw?"

" Hah, she drew a picture of you, and then Percy said that her painting was beautiful, and then your sassy sister asked him, is it the painting that is beautiful or the girl in it! It was hilarious!" Leo said

I felt a light blush cover my face and I could see Annabeth also blushing.

" Look, they even blush together, that is so cute" Piper said

" Then what happened?" Annabeth asked trying to change the subject

" Then they started talking about who is better at basketball and Clarisse challenged Leo at a game of basketball. they were tied before you girls came." Jason said

"Your sister is really cute and fun to play with. Don't forget sassy. She reminds me of Tyson" I said

" Who is Tyson?" annabeth asked

" Tyson is my brother. He is the same age as Clarisse and she reminds me of him. They are both similar." I said

" Really? Maybe we can invite the family of the selected once I narrow them down more. It would be nice to meet your families. If you stayed in that is" she said with an evil grin.

" What do you want to do when we arrive?" Frank asked

" Let's go eat ice cream at Mrs Edna's Ice Cream shop" I said

" wait, you know that place too" Annabeth asked

" Of course, I used to come here every week." I said

" I came here a few times when I would sneak out." She said

We got of of our horses and we tied their reign to a tree. Frank stayed outside to guard them while we went in.

" Hey Mrs. E" I said

" why hello Percy" the owner, Mrs Edna whom I call Mrs E replied.

" Is that Annabeth? I can recognize that cloak anywhere?" She said

" yes it me, Hello Edna" annabeth said while taking her hood off. Piper, Reyna and Thalia did the same.

" Thalia, Piper and Reyna are here too? The last time all 4 of you were here was about 2 years ago." Edna replied

" Meet my friends, Jason and Leo. Frank is with us but he si guarding our horses outside." i said

" its nice to meet you three" Edna said

" Nice to meet you too. I here you have the best ice cream here?" Leo said

" Why i do. What flavor do you want Leo?" She asked

" i want... Cookies and Cream in a cone" Leo said

" I want French vanilla in a cone" Piper said

" I will take like Piper" Reyna said

" I want cookie dough ice cream in a cone " Thalia said

" I want the special cookie dough that Mrs. E makes for me" I said

" What is that?" Leo asked

" You'll see" i said

" I will take double chocolate chip" Annabeth said

" me too" Jason said

" Frank told me that he wants strawberry" Annabeth said

After a while Edna gave everyone their ice cream and Piper gave Frank his. Then she gave me my ice cream. It was blue cookie dough ice cream

" What in the world is that Percy" thalia asked

" it is cookie dough ice cream with blue food coloring" I said

" Why blue?" Annabeth asked

" Because right after my father left us, my mom married a guy named Gabe. He treated us horribly but we needed him for the money. So one day when I was 6 I asked for blue pancakes and he told me that no such thing exists. So my mom made it her job to make everything she can blue. Even after he left, we just kept that tradition. I don't do it a lot anymore but it reminds me of my mother." I explained

" Oh ok, that sounds like fun" Annabeth said

" Who's paying?" Leo asked

" I am" Annabeth said

" but i am the one who decided to come here" I said

" I am the princess, so I will pay" she replied

" We cant just let a girl pay for us, that is unmanly" Jason said

" No one needs to pay, think of it as my gift to you" Edna said

" No, I will pay and as your future queen, you will take the money Edna and no one will pay other than me" she said

" But-"

" Percy, no!"Annabeth said then she payed

" Lets go" she said and then she walked out

I just shrugged my shoulders at the rest and we all walked out. When we walked out we saw Frank pushing Annabeth behind him as 2 rebels were attacking them. One lunged at Annabeth it i intercepted there sword with one that Annabeth gave each of us just in case we got attacked. I struck him down and then i picked up Annabeth's bridal style. Jason did the same to piper, Leo did the same to Reyna and Frank to Thalia. But Thalia didn't like being held so she accidentally kicked him. By the time we got each girl on a horse, we were surrounded by rebels. It was 10-4.

" Ride away from here and then wait for us in the woods. If anyone follows you continue riding. We will fight these men" I said

" But Percy-" Annabeth started to say

" GO!" I said

I saw all 4 bourses gallop off before I continued to fight. I slashed, struck and sidesteps then defeated 2 rebels. Jason defeated 2 while Frank and Leo defeated 1. There were 4 more. it was now 4 on 4. As we were fighting, I didn't realize that 2 more came from behind me and I struck me with their sword.

   I heard a faint voice of a girl saying NO from far away. I saw Jason and Frank kill the last of the rebels before I closed my eyes and i could see only black.

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