9.Girls vs Boys

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 Percy's POV:

While Annabeth was away, I talked with Jason, Leo and Frank. We all talked about our families.

" My mother died in a war in Afghanistan, and my father also died in one" Frank said

" My father let me when I was young, and my mother died in a fire accident." Leo said

" my father also left me when i was young, and my mom gave me away to a woman. I found out that my mom died in a car crash." Jason said

"my father left me when I was young too, and my mom is very sick right now. My brother Tyson is taking care of her" i said

" We all have incomplete families and father issues huh? Frank said

" yeah, why do the three of us have fathers that left us? Isn't that too much of a coincidence?" Jason said

" Yeah, it is strange but I don't feel like thinking about it" Leo said

" How about we all go and explore the castle?" i asked

" Sure, lets go" Leo said

As we were walking, we saw a 9 year old girl with a tiara and a pretty dress. I recognize her form dinner.

" Hi, are you Princess Clarisse?" I asked

" yes I am" she said, we were about to bow because we were supposed to do that even to Clarisse when she said,

" you don't have to bow and just call me Clarisse" she said

" Well Clarisse, what do you like to do during the day" Frank asked

" i like to play in the garden and paint" she said

" I like to paint too" Jason said

" Really, lets all go paint!" She said

" sure, lets go" I said

Then we walked with Clarisse towards the art room. She called two maids and told them to bring 5 easels and painting materials. Then after everything was set up, we all started to paint. I started to draw a beach with 12 cabins behind it, but my drawing was horrible.Leo drew a warship with a dragons head on it, it wasn't as bad as mine but it was bad.Frank drew an elephant in a place that looked like Alaska, it was alright. Jason's drawing was of someplace that looked like a camp and it looked roman. His drawing was way better than the rest of ours. But Clarisse, drew and then painted a drawing of how Annabeth looked yesterday at dinner. Her drawing was the best and it was excellent for a 9 year old.

" Wow, Clarisse! That drawing is beautiful" I said

" Is it the drawing that is beautiful, or the girl in it?" She said while smiling evilly.

At that comment I blushed, and Leo said

" You just got roasted by a 9 year old girl, Jackson" he said

" Oh shut up. besides you gotta admit, that painting is way better than any of ours. Especially my drawing and yours" Is aid while laughing

We all looked at my drawing and Leo's. Then we all started laughing at our attempt at a painting.

" You guys really need to practice drawing. But, I guess men aren't capable of everything that women can do" she said

" I bet you $10 that I can beat you at a game of basketball!" Leo said 

" Game on! Just let me go change" Clarissse said. Then she went up to her room

" I have to watch this!" Jason said

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