The Royal Family

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             Percy's POV:

             What was Rachel doing here? My old girlfriend is here at the palace. We never broke up, but since I was in the selection, I told her to make it seem to everyone that we broke up. You see, Rachel was adopted.

" Hi Rachel. What are you doing here?" I tried to talk calmly. The key word is tried.

" Don't be so worried Percy. I didn't break into the palace"

" And why are you wearing a dress and high heels?"

" When you left, I got a letter from the royal family of Italy for me to meet them at a certain location. I did and I learned that they are my original parents. The DNA tests are the same and they look and act like I do. Turns out they are my family and that I have royal blood. So I came with them on this trip. Especially since I knew that you were in the selection"

"Wow, who would have known" I was really shocked that Rachel who was as poor as us was suddenly royalty.

" Yeah. So, is the princess like we always thought she was. A snob, and a selfish princess?" Rachel asked.

Rachel is a Kind and lovely young woman who was an artist. We used to talk about how the royal family abused their power and money. At least, that's what I thought until I entered the selection.

" Actually, she is quite the opposite. She is very nice and thinks about others. The thing is that she wants to change this country but she cant since she isn't in full power yet. Also, her parents are trying to figure out a way to fix the problem. But it is getting worse because of the rebels. As you can see they are trying to get help from other countries like yours." I said trying to defend Annabeth.

" Why are you defending her and her family."

" Its just that i learned that they aren't who we thought they were."

" NO, that's not why. Percy... do you possibly LIKE the princess?" She asked in a hurt voice

" What?! No, thats crazy talk" I said.

I knew that I liked Annabeth, but I wasn't ready to tell Rachel that, because I still like her too.

"Ok good. I have to go meet up with the royal family and my parents. We're supposed to have a meeting with them. Bye Percy" she kissed me on my cheek then left.

Great! Now I have to chose between two different but amazing girls. If one finds out that I like the other, they will hate me, so I have to choose soon.

I'm not even sure yet whether Annabeth and I love each other. Besides, she might like other men in the selection. When Rachel and I dated, we never kissed. It was only small ones on the cheek. We did this because we didn't want everyone to know and because I had entered the selection.

I went to the men's room. The king wanted to talk separately with each one of us for a few minutes. I sat down and started to talk to Frank about our families. Then I was called up.

" Good Afternoon, Your Majesty" I said then bowed

" Good Afternoon to you too. You don't have to be so formal. This is just a normal conversation. So you're Percy?"

" Yes"

" Ah, so you are another demigod right? Who is your godly parent?" He whispered

" Yes. My father is Poseidon god of the seas."

" Oh, so you're the one Athena and Annabeth always fight about." He said while smiling

" What do you mean?"

" Athena always tells Annabeth to stay away from 'the sea spawn' but Annabeth always tells her that you are kind and a very funny man. She defends you a lot." the king gave me a small smirk that was barely noticeable. But I saw it.

" Oh ok. So do you have any idea why Queen Athena hates me?" I tried to change the subject and I tried not to blush. I really didn't want to call her a queen but I have to get the king to like me.

" Not used to calling her queen?" He noticed

" yeah"

" I think it was some old rivalry they have. Your father once took his girlfriend to some sacred place for Athena and that is considered very rude. Also, they both fought over being the patrons of Athens, and Athena one. They both have a grudge over each other for that."

" Well that's great. Athena hates me because of what my father did."

" I guess it is unfair. I will try to speak to her about it. But she can be very persistent"

"Ok thanks"

" Are you guys training for the quest?"

"Actually, yes. We just have to wait for Annabeth to finish from her meetings and then we have our first training session."

" Who's going to teach?"

" Well, mostly me, the boys and maybe ANnabeth since I already taught her. The boys and I already know how to fight but we are hinting on training more and expanding with the rest. Plus, we have to get used to working as a team."

" That's true. So how's your family?"

" well, my mom is getting better. She had a disease but now she is feeling well. I have a younger brother around Clarisse's age. His name is Tyson and he loves to paint, play outside and talk with friends except he doesn't have many."

" We should invite all of the selected's families someday so that we can get to know them. Maybe then Clarisse and Tyson can meet and play."

" That's a great idea"

" Well, I have had a fun time talking with you."

" Me too"

Then I left him and went to sit with Jason, Frank and Leo.

" Come on boys, lets go get ready for our first training session." I said

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