19. It Has Already Happened

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Percy's POV:

As I entered my room I saw Erik waiting for me

" Percy, you have a note from the princess" Erik Said

" Thank you" I replied


Would you meet me in the garden in around 10 min.

We have a lot to talk about.

Sincerely, Annabeth

I smiled. I like how she calls herself Annabeth towards me and not Princess Annabeth. It sounds better.

" Looks like someone has found an interest in her highness"

" No thats not true. We are just friends." I replied

" Keep telling yourself that"

" you are impossible" I said and left the room.

I met Annabeth outside wearing a simple but elegant dress.

" So, daughter of Athena, where are we going today?" I asked

" Son of Poseidon, we are riding our horses to the lake, have a picnic and talk about major stuff. If you know what I mean"

" What a lovely schedule, please lead the way Wise Girl" I said playfully

" Oh shut up Seaweed Brain."

Once we arrived to the lake, we tied the reigns of the horses to a tree.

We spread the blanket and sat down beside the lake. I loved the lake, it was so soothing. The wind was blowing on Annabeth's hair and her eyes sparkled.

she looked at me and smiled.

" That was a real shocker back there, huh?" She said

" Yeah, its not everyday you learn that you are a demigod and are about to go on a dangerous quest with an army wanting to kill us."

" Yeah. So, you can control the water? That's cool"

" Yeah, I just learned about it. There is also another thing I can do. Let me show you."

I gave her my hand so that she could stand up, then I usher her into the water and jumped down with her.

She swam to the surface and screamed,

" Seaweed Brain you are so dead. Just wait until I get my hands on-" She didn't get to continue her sentence because I pulled her down

I made an air bubble surrounding us. She looked a little mad but she calmed down as she looked at the sea life around her.

" This is amazing Seaweed Brain, but you better tell me what you are going to do before you do. Or next time I won't let you go so easily."

" Do you love the water? I always see you look at it and want to go to the lake"

" I do. I am not supposed to since your father is the god of seas and he is my moms enemy. I am supposed to hate you."

" But that doesn't mean that we have to be enemies"

" We should be enemies." I felt like she threw a rock on my hearts.

She took my hands into hers and looked me in the eye.

"But, I can't be enemies with you. No matter how hard I try" she continued.

" What about our parents?"

" Percy. My mom hates you and she says that if I like you I should stop right away."

" Do you?"

" Its... complicated"

" What do you mean?"

" Our parents are trying to separate us. The monsters don't want us to be together either, from what I heard my mom say. Maybe, its a sign that we shouldn't be together."

" Is that what you really believe Annabeth? Do you believe that we shouldn't like each other because of what others think"

" Percy, why do you care? Its not like you like me or anything. You have been distant for a while now."

" Wise Girl. You are supposed to be the wise one not me. The reason I have been distant is because I might have started to have some feelings towards you. But I always knew that you never liked me. So I thought that it would be best to put those feelings aside since you were never going to return them. I sound like a total idiot right?"

" Yes you are. Because you are right. In the future I will never develop those feelings towards you." I was shocked at how cold she was.

" It won't happen in the future, because it has already happened." Annabeth said

Then the most amazing thing happened. I don't know how it happened but I suddenly felt her smooth lips touching mine. I kissed her back and we stayed like that for a while.

When we let go, I was gasping for air and so was she. I let the water push as out and we were suddenly sitting on the blanket.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her back. We sat there like that as we watched the sun set.

Poseidon's POV:

I was sitting in my underwater palace. I had this big TV that let me see any place that was connected to water. I was looking around the lakes and oceans around Ogygia for any monsters when I saw something even worse.

I teleported with the big TV to the throne room, where I found Athena and Aphrodite sitting.

" What are you doing here?" Athena asked

" You have got to see this" I showed her what was happening on the TV. It was Percy and Annabeth in the water talking. Then they leaned in and kissed.

Athena's mouth was open and ear eyes were wide with shock. Aphrodite was the same but she was excited not shocked.

" This is all your son's fault!" Athena said

" If your daughter didn't have the selection or if she didn't invite him to the lake in the first place, this wouldn't have happened."

" Now, calm down. You two cant and wont be allowed to ruin this for them. You will just have to go with the flow" Aphrodite said. But I could see that she was excited. She was probably planning their wedding in her head.

Eww, I hope they don't get married, I can't have owl head over here be related to me.

I went back to my palace and sat there. One day, I will go and act as a normal man and see if the girl is like her mother or not. Then I will make my decision.

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