5. Sexual Tension

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Welcome back I'm gonna try and make this chapter longer and please pretend that that's loke on top of lucy not Gray anyway now onto the story.
"Argh fuck" speeding over to her bed I was now pinning her down 'this isn't good I'm not supposed to do anything until tomorrow when her sty blood genes and powers activate urgh what am I gonna do'
Natsu's POV
I'm still on top of Luce debating on whether to give in to my inner incubus desires or whether I should just leave?! 'Tsh awww screw it, teasing her a bit won't hurt anyone....much'. Finally making up my mind I use one of my incubus slayer spells which makes any pleasure she feels magnify 1,000 fold, smirking after I do this I lean down so my head is near the crook of her neck and raspberry her.
"*gasp* mhmmmmmmnn" lucy moans out really loud then starts tugging on my hair causing me to grunt and start licking and sucking on her neck causing her body to tremble while moaning even loader than before.
"Ngh N-Natsuuuuuu mmmmmm ahhhhh" lucy moans
"Urgh fuck Luce"
I couldn't hold myself back anymore and leaned away from her neck to look into her eyes, to see her lying there panting heavily, body flushed, slightly groaning while biting her lip to suppress her moans. I was about to rip of her tight black tank top (which is showing me her large plump chest damn) when. Laxus mind linked with me.

'Natsu are you with blondie right now?' Laxus asks
'Yeah and we're a bit busy right now so do ya mind lightning head!?'
Yes I do mind and I'm not in the mood to argue right now so leave blondie alone until tomorrow night and then you can continue k pyro!'
'Tsh fine I was getting bored anyway.' With that I end the mind link and speed outta Luce's room and into our slave room to..... have some entertainment. 😏😈
Lucy's POV
For some reason my body has become super sensitive, to the point that I feel pleasure when I breath. I'm suspecting the Pervy pyro has something to do with this, He's staring at me with lust crazed eyes when all of a sudden he stops and speeds away out of my room. I mean I'm relieved but kinda lonely, NO Bad lucy..but.. Nooooo.

The intense pleasure that I had been feeling disappeared and I was now back to feeling normal. Looking down at myself I see that I'm drenched in sweat and decide to go have a shower, i walk into my bathroom strip out of my clothes and put them in the laundry shoot that's in my bathroom. I run a nice lupe warm bath and wash all the sweat away.

15 minutes later
(Still Lucy's POV)
Once finished with my bath I head into the closet and walk through all the aisles the closet had.
'I might need to make a map of the closet it's HUGE'.
While thinking while walking I find an 2 isles that say 'Pyjamas'. Not entirely sure why they had 2 isles for night clothes I walked into the first isle to see rows and rows of transparent negligees. Quickly walking into the other isle I (finally) saw some normalish looking pyjamas, I ended up choosing a black tube (pj) top and some grey night shorts. (See pic below)

 (See pic below)

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Once I finished changing into my pjs I cautiously walked back into my bedroom, yawned, hopped into bed and switched the lamp off

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Once I finished changing into my pjs I cautiously walked back into my bedroom, yawned, hopped into bed and switched the lamp off.
Sinking into the heavenly soft mattress and snuggling onto the fluffy pillows I closed my eyes and 6 minutes later the darkness known as sleep took over showing me dreams of what my heart wishes me to see because 'A dream is a wish your heart makes' (Cinderella reference/song).
3rd person POV in Lucy's dream
(IDRK how to write in 3rd person so bear with me)
Lucy, her spirits and her grandfather (the celestial spirit king) were all sitting in a garden in the celestial realm talking, laughing and sharing stories. They were all on a picnic and everything was perfect, but suddenly everything went dark.
"Hello" lucy says
"Anyone there?"
".....cy....." someone faintly says
"......lucy..." that voice returns again and lucy turns to where it's coming from and sees a light. Running toward it lucy heard the voice again.
"LUCY" the voice was as clear as day and the light got brighter causing Lucy to shield her eyes from it.
Lucy's POV still in dream
Slowly opening my eyes I let them adjust to the lighting of the room, I try moving my arm only to feel it being held back by something cold and heavy. Turning my head and yanking my arm I see that I'm chained up to a bed, I check my legs and same thing.

I scan the room and see it's a dimly lit cellar type room but only it has a bed, I continue looking around the room and find a table with different types of whips, riding crops, sex toys, hand cuffs, rope and much much more.

'This place looks like a sex dungeon' I think while inwardly cringing but then I hear that familiar voice, the one that led me here.
"Now that you know what this place is, why don't we test this place out" the voice seductively says from behind me, trying to turn my head to see who it was I look and gasp seeing it was none other than my ex boyfriend.
Loke, was my ex boyfriend as well as my celestial spirit I mean it never stopped my parents and stash face was fine with it because they were old friends. We ended our relationship 3 days ago (when I was told I was gonna have to live here for 'a while', I wasn't sure a few days ago how long I'd be living here and I knew that boys lived here and if he ever came over I didn't want him getting the wrong idea about anything if something happened so we split.
I'll admit that our relationship almost became sexual, we came close to having sex quite a few times but every time something came up or someone interrupted. So that must be the reason I'm in this position now but I never could have imagined that loke would be into-... oh wait I totally can hahaha-ugh.
I didn't notice that he was standing right in front of me until I feel his breath on my neck, 'holy'.
"Sooo" loke said in a tempting voice
'What should we try out first" after he says this I open my tightly closed eyes in shock to see him over at the table with a riding crop in hand, walking back over to me he lifts his other hand up near my chest and in one move rips my pj shirt off revealing my large breasts.
Looking down at me he smirks and I blush looking like one side of Scorpio's hair.
"Aww looks like someone's blushing how cute" hearing this only made me blush even harder. Now raising the riding crop he used it to lift my chin up and make me look at him, once I do he smirks and looks down again this time using his riding crop to trace my skin from my chin around my breasts and down my stomach.
I look up at loke who's still smirking only for him to....................
I wake up panting and sweating from the idk how to describe it dream I was having.
Looking around my room I sigh and fall back into my mattress with a *pussh* I breath in and roll to my side trying to fall back to sleep when I suddenly hear something that causes me to become 100% fully wide awake.......................................................................
A/N thanks for reading my new chapter hope you enjoyed it I tried to make this one longer and more interesting sorry if I failed I'll try to do better in the next one.
Peace out my goddess's

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