38) A Flight To The Countryside

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Cynthia's point of view

Well.. This is my life story. I know it's too long story but i love it so much.

Passed year on my and Finn's marriage and we are waiting for our second child and it's a girl as we decided to name her Melina, oh i like this name.

Finn returned back in action and became the universal champion, i am so proud of him.

Oh right, Joe became 4 years old and i almost forgot Brian and Martin had twin girls they are a year and they named them Zara and Lana beside Seth is dating Sasha Banks and they are happy together

I love Finn so much. He is the best man ever i had a dream and i have reached to it. I became wife. I have a family.  Have a husband and a child

Happiness isn't by how you feel when someome buy you something but the real happiness is to find the true love. The love that will continue the road with you to till the end. Someone follow your heart and feel you.

We sometimes lose people we love and feel sad for losing them but always feel happy that were in our life. At least we left a memorial with them.

Love isn't an easy word. Love is action, feelings, hope, peace, happiness and other things. True love is to be satisfied with the way you live with your lover. Feel peace when you are together and always forgive.

I have been writing this story for nearly two months till now. I have learned that anyone can do a mistake but when he ask for forgiveness he should have it if he is really mistaken and need for it

I learned that when i want something i'll have to wait for it. At the right time sure i will get it

Maybe i am not good wiser but we should enjoy this life with someone we love. Enjoy every moment together before it's too late

Learn from our mistakes to not fall again in the same previous mistakes and continue our life and how we should think and solve the problems in good way not in foolish way just like Finn

Friendship is unbreakable, friends are always complete each other but also doesn't mean true love just talk about lovers

Actually no, friends who created love cause your friend feels you without you talk, always by your side and never let you down and always sacrifice his life for his other friend, Friends always continue till the end

I won't write too much cause i totally don't know what to write more beside Finn and Joe are calling for me to bake some donuts. I guess i gave birth to two kids and waiting for the third hahaha

Oh right, all of this advices i never knew what they mean! I never knew what is true love or how do you feel when you fall apart with someone

All of that cause a trip changed people. Changed lives and started new lives with people we never knew and friends we never heard of but it's just..
A Flight To The Countryside

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