15) Randy Orton

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In 3 months of pregnancy Cynthia became have alot of friends from WWE and hang out with them

Martin always with her and became really close friends

One night she was sitting with Finn in wwe building. They went to the cafeteria to have dinner

"Baby i have to travel out of America for some days" Finn said

"You gonna leave me alone?" Cynthia said sadly and looked at him

"Sorry baby but i have to" Finn said and kissed her hand

Cynthia has nothing to do but to agree

Finn's phone rang so he excused her and left to answer the call

After while someone said hey in her ear so she looked behind her terrified to find Randy Orton

"Hey!!" Cynthia said still terrified

"Why you look shocked?" Randy said as he sat on Finn's chair

"You always scare me and you shouldn't do that again" Cynthia said with a serious tone

"Sorry but i was going to ask you for dinner tomorrow" Randy asked

"Tomorrow? But i will be busy tomorrow" Cynthia said

"What will you be busy at?" Randy asked

"I have an appointment with the doctor" Cynthia said slowly

"I cancelled it" Randy said easily

"Excuse me?!? Cancelled it?" Cynthia said

"Yes i talked to the doctor as cancelled it so that we can have dinner tomorrow as also i who made McMahon give Finn work out America" Randy said and laughed

Cynthia stared at him shocked and surpised

"I will pick you up at 7 pm" Randy said with evil smile then left

Cynthia kept in her place feeling not okay but after moments Finn came back at sat on his chair

He looked at her and frowned

"Cynthia!? What's wrong!?" Finn asked holding her hand

Cynthia looked at him and held his hand back but tightly

"Baby please let's go home" Cynthia said in a fear tone

"Are you alright?" Finn asked

"Baby please let's go home" Cynthia said

Finn kept looking at her then stood up and left home

Cynthia was all the way home looking through the car window thinking of Randy

Finn looked at her while driving then at the way

They arrived home and later on they entered their master room

Cynthia took off her clothes and wore her sleeping suit then sat on bed as Finn did the same

Cynthia looked at him but she was so worried

"Baby What's wrong tell me?" Finn said as he sat on his knees in front of her and held her hands

"Finn..Do you really have to go?" Cynthia asked sadly

"Yes, it's work sweetheart" Finn said

"I don't want you to go" Cynthia said as her eyes got tears

"Why? Cynthia what are you hiding? Please tell me" Finn said

"This guy called Randy..came to me and asked me to have dinner tomorrow" Cynthia said

"It's normal baby it's just like friends" Finn said with a kind smile

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