33) The Last Chance

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Passed a month still Seth and Cynthia preparing for thier wedding. The news of their marriage became everywhere. They invited many people from their relatives and their close friends from WWE

The day before the wedding Seth took Cynthia to WWE as he has some business to do then drive her home after checking the last few things for the wedding ceremony.

Cynthia sat in the building garden waiting for Seth to finish his business. At the same time Finn entered the garden. He was talking on the phone and while talking his eyes fell on Cynthia from behind as he  stared and kept looking at her then hung up and sat beside her on the bench

Cynthia was looking down but later she looked at him then looked down and her eyes were rolling

"Hey" Finn said while looking in front

"Hey, How are you?" Cynthia said as she looked at him so he looked at her

"Not bad, what about you?" Finn said

"I am good, Thanks! What are you doing here?" Cynthia said

"To meet my friends cause i missed them but I heard that you will get married to.. to Seth" Finn said as Cynthia nodded "When?"

"Tomorrow" Cynthia answered and looked at his eyes but Finn was shocked on hearing that but tried to hide by looking down

"And Joe.. will live with you?" Finn asked and Cynthia nodded again

Finn nodded and looked in front "Congratulations"

"Thank you" Cynthia answered with smile

They both became silent then she stood up as she got bored of waiting "when Seth ask about me tell him that i left"

Finn was looking at her as she was leaving and thought he may success to get her back or at least to have a last chance so he followed her till they both were outside the building

Cynthia was walking in front of him and Finn was behind her then suddenly Cynthia stopped and turned to Finn

She walked to him and pushed him to the back and he was kinda surpised of her reaction

"Why you did that to me? Why? Do i really deserve that from you?" Cynthia asked angrily

"Cynthia, i know i was too mistaken to you. I thought when i love someone else you will just stop asking about marriage and you.." Finn said but she intrupped him

"Stop asking about marriage? Your plan was so stupid!! How dare you think this way?" Cynthia asked but before he could answer the sky started to rain. They both looked up then looked back at each other

"Cynthia i swear to you i swear i never and will never love someone like you. I know this conversation won't change anything in your thoughts but at least i tried to get you back. I love you and will always do. Yes i cheated on you and i know you came to forgive me but i swear to you that i care about you i care about your feelings and yes maybe you see me selfish but it's out of my hands and i know i should have asked you for marriage since you asked for it" Finn said while looking straight at her eyes

"Finn I.." Cynthia said but he intrupped her

"Cynthia I'm sorry. Since i heard about you and Seth getting married i felt like my whole life became dark more than it is. I am dying everyday to see you, hear your voice. I missed your laugh, your deep blue eyes looking at mine, your hands on cheeks to wake me up every morning, your kiss that make me feel that i am in heaven. Cynthia.. i swear Cathy who involved herself in my life.. i know she is your and my friend and i told her about our story of marriage and she suggested that acting this love story and convinced me with it so i thought it really will help but it was for her own, her own business to take me from you and from Joe.. i swear on Joe's life that's what really happened.. you might don't believe me but i said the truth" Finn said as he looked down then back to her eyes

Cynthia couldn't move just stared at Finn with tears in her eyes then looked down "But you hurt me"

"I know i did but in our life there should be forgiveness for everything that our life can move on.. to keep the people we love with us.. to not lose someone we love.. to build what we want.. our dreams!! I guess you think i am doing great now in my life but the truth is no! I have been waiting for the day you come back and knock on my door and hug me..Cynthia i.. i always hug your pillow to fall asleep.. i always prepare breakfast for me and you and prepare your coffee and put the dishes and start to eat and keep looking at your dish.. thinking you might come back one day and eat with me like before.. i missed taking Joe in my hug every night and tell him a story to sleep then go back our room and hug you to sleep" Finn said

Cynthia looked down as her tears fell down but when she looked at him to talk but he intrupped her

"Cynthia.. i have a question!! Didn't you miss all of that? Didn't you miss to sleep with me again? Didn't you miss playing with Joe everyday? Didn't you miss cooking lunch for me? Didn't you miss our dates at night? I didn't do such a crime to get that all but i love you.. i love you to death.. i love you to the last breathe i take.. i love you more than anything in this life" Finn said

While standing there was a car passing from behind Cynthia so Finn quickly pulled Cynthia towards him to save her

Cynthia looked at Finn as he looked down at her and when his hot breath hit her lips she felt like her soul came back and she started to feel the life after she was dead

"Come back with me.. come back and i promise you that i will never going to hurt, won't break you, i will obey your orders, just come back with me and make me alive.. Cynthia you are my soul.. I love you" Finn said looking straight at her eyes

They both were so close to each other and kept looking at each other for so long and Finn bent down to kiss her Cynthia turned her face away

Finn kept looking at her then looked down as Cynthia left his hug slowly and looked at him then turned away walking in the rain. Finn kept watching her so disappointed as she stopped a taxi and drove away

Finn looked down so disappointed and felt like it's the end of this way and will never reach to an end and kept standing in the rain

Later on Cynthia arrived Martin's home and quickly headed to her room and entered the bathroom and took a hot shower thinking of Finn's talk and about her feelings

Later after she finished she came out wearing her clothes and sat on bed and looked at her wedding dress thinking then looked at the ring in her hand then took it off and kept looking at it then slowly wore it again in her finger

"I will get married tomorrow"

This is chapter 33 hope you enjoyed reading and don't forget to vote and leave comment

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